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Real Estate Encyclopedia | Property Law Dictionary | Real Estate Terms | Meanings & Definitions |      Mar 11, 2025

Praise for the First Edition

" ... In terms of scope, organisation, cross-referencing and ease of use, the work is quite splendid. It will become a standard work for all surveying libraries."  Building

" ... this book is an excellent reference text and should form part of the basic reference library for all professionals, students and other individuals involved in the real estate industry.The Canadian Appraiser

" ... If ever you have been asked what a latent defect is or what a preservation notice means then you know where to look."  Insurance Age

" ... should be on everyone's shelf ... a potential best seller."  Property Confidential

" ... generously laid out. A useful addition to an extensive library.The Valuer

" ... He [Damien Abbott] knows that having produced the encyclopedia, he will be condemned to revise it at some stage in the future ..." Financial Times (September 4, 1987).

abandonment |  bargain |  commission |  cost approach |  démembrements(F) |  easement |  estoppel |  fixture |  good repair |  letter of intent |  licence by estoppel |  money
mortgage-backed security (MBS) | 3 multiple listing |  noscitur a sociis(Lat) |  police power(US)
 |  possibility of reverter |  quiet enjoyment |  real covenant(US) |  rent
spot zoning |  title insurance |  Torrens title system |  multiple listing service (MLS)(US)
 |  unvalued policy |  usufruit(F) |  value |  voluntary waste
 |  wraparound mortgage(US) |  zone a urbaniser (ZUP)(F)