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Real Estate Encyclopedia | Property Law Dictionary | Real Estate Terms | Meanings & Definitions |      Feb 09, 2025
Sample Pages Shorter Encyclopedia

"A good investment" - MARKET TRENDS

"A 'must' for law libraries and, indeed, for a well-stocked general reference library.
A dictionary, a thesaurus and an encyclopedia rolled into one ... A splendid piece of work.
Worth every penny of its cost" The LAW TEACHER

Winner of the USA Book News - 'Best Book 2004' Reference Category

Finalist in the Benjamin Franklin Awards 2005 for Business Books

  • The SHORTER ENCYCLOPEDIA defines and explains over 7,500 terms supplemented by more than 1,000 citations (cases, statutes and other authorities) 20,000 cross references and over 400 bibliographical references.

  • The primary focus of the Shorter Encyclopedia is terminology drawn from English and American real estate practice. However, it also contains Australian, Canadian, New Zealand, Scots Law, Civil Law and Latin terms.

  • The book is unique in that it chronicles the meaning and significance of a particular term, and provides an explanation of the legal and practical significance of the entry (see User Guide).

  • The Encyclopedia covers every aspect of real estate (law, economics, finance, insurance, investment, taxation, urban planning, appraisal/valuation and management) and is an essential reference guide for any investor, lawyer, consultant or real estate professional, as well as being particularly useful for students.

  • The Appendices contain information on over 80 Real Estate Associations (including web addresses), a comprehensive Table of Measurements, the major Real Estate Investment Formulae, and a list of Abbreviations and Acronyms.

  • A comprehensive reference book on real estate — a dictionary, a thesaurus and an Encyclopedia, rolled into one.

  • COMPARE Third and Shorter Editions of the Encyclopedia of Real Estate Terms.

  • View SAMPLE PAGES from The Shorter Encyclopedia of Real Estate Terms
    and the USER GUIDE.

  • abandonment |  bargain |  commission |  cost approach |  démembrements(F) |  easement |  estoppel |  fixture |  good repair |  letter of intent |  licence by estoppel |  money
    mortgage-backed security (MBS) | 3 multiple listing |  noscitur a sociis(Lat) |  police power(US)
     |  possibility of reverter |  quiet enjoyment |  real covenant(US) |  rent
    spot zoning |  title insurance |  Torrens title system |  multiple listing service (MLS)(US)
     |  unvalued policy |  usufruit(F) |  value |  voluntary waste
     |  wraparound mortgage(US) |  zone a urbaniser (ZUP)(F)