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REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATIONS (ex. North & South Americas)

Asia & International  |   Africa & Middle East  |   Australia & N.Z.
Continental Europe  |   North & South America   |   U.K. & Ireland

As far as possible these entries have been approved by the Association.
Requests for changes can be made by emailing us.


African Real Estate Society (AfRES)
South African Institutue of Valuers
South African Property Owners Association

Middle East & North African Real Estate Society (MENARES)


All Japan Real Estate Federation
Asian Public Real Estate Association
Korean Real Estate Brokers Association
Pacific Rim Real Estate Society
Real Estate Companies Association - Japan
Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers
Thai Appraisal Foundation

International Real Estate Society (ERES)


Property Council of New Zealand
Real Estate Institute of Australia
Real Estate Institute of New Zealand
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Australia
New Zealand Property Institute


Association of Institutional Investors in the Netherlands (IVBN)
Chambre des Experts Immobiliers de France (FNAIM)
Confédération des Immobiliers de Belgique
CoreNet Global (Europe)
European Association of Investors in Non-listed Real Estate Vehicles (INREV)
European Property Federation (EPF)
European Public Real Estate Association (EPREA)
European Real Estate Council/Conseil Européen des Professions Immobiliéres (CEPI)
European Real Estate Society (ERES)
Fédération International des Géomètres
Fédération Internationales des Professions Immobilières (FIABCI)
Hungarian Real Estate Association
Norges TakseringsForbund (NTF) – The Norwegian Valuers and Surveyors Association
Ordre des Géomètres-Experts
Real Estate Council of the Netherlands
Scandinavian International Property Association


British Council of Shopping Centres
British Institute of Facilities Management
Chartered Institute of Builders
Fédération Internationales des Professions Immobilières (FIABCI)
Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation
National Association of Estate Agents
Property Consultants Society
Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS)
Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI)


Institute of Professional Auctioneers and Valuers (IPAV0
Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland


African Real Estate Society

African Real Estate Society (AfRES)

Ms AM Batengas
Managing Director
Gimco Estate Agency
PO Box 32822
Dar es Salaam
E-mail: abatengas [@] consultant.com

Website: www.sapoa.org.za/

The African Real Estate Society (AfRES) is a continent-wide organisation that seeks to promote networking, research and education among property professionals across Africa.
AfRES is affiliated to the International Real Estate Society (IRES), along with the American Real Estate Society (ARES), the Asia Real Esate Society (AsRES), the Europe Real Estate Society (ERES), the Latin America Real Estate Society (LaRES), the Middle East and North Africa Real Estate Society (MENARES), and the Pacific-Rim Real Esate Society (PRRES). AfRES is a not-for-profit organization.


South African Institute of Valuers

South African Institute of Valuers

General Secretary
13 TL Samuel Centre, 410 Main Road
Escobme, Queensburgh
KwaZulu-Natal, 4055
South Africa

Postal address:
P.O. Box 28060
Malvern, 4055
E-mail: gen [@] saiv.org.za

Website: www.saiv.org.za/

The South African Institute of Valuers (SAOV) was founded in 1909 and is the national society of professional real estate valuers. The Institute is dedicated to serving the public interest by advancing high standards for members of the appraisal profession.
SAOV has some 1550 members representing about 60% of registered valuers in South Africa.
As the representative body of the valuation profession in Southern Africa, the Institute is in the business of promoting excellence by:

  • Setting and maintaining high standards of professional proficiency, ethics and education;
  • Striving to provide the appropriate educational programmes, sources of data and information;
  • Marketing and creating awareness of the benefits of the professional services of its members to existing and potential clients;
  • Monitoring and making representations on relevant legislation in the best interests of its members and their clients.

The South African Institute of Valuers supports individuals and organisations doing professional property valuations in the Southern Africa region. The Institute maintains standards and professional conduct via various initiatives, education and the upliftment of the profession in the public eye.


South African Property Owners Association

South African Property Owners Association

Neil Gopal
Chief Executive Officer
Paddock View, Hunt's End Office Park
36 Wierda Road West, Wierda Valley, Sandton

Postal address:
P.O. Box 78544, Sandton 2146
South Africa
E-mail: sapoa [@] sainet.co.za

Website: www.sapoa.org.za/

SAPOA is committed to protecting the interests of the commercial and industrial property sectors, in terms of ownership, management and development.
Its objectives are based on the principles of the free enterprise system as the only workable economic system and the inalienability of property ownership, not only for its members but also for the future of South Africa, and its competitiveness in the world arena.
SAPOA's aims and objectives include:

  • Maintaining a unique organisation which encourages its members to share their expertise through active participation in the association;
  • Fostering key relationships whilst maintaining government acceptability;
  • Maintaining a non-political bias whilst participating in governmental legislative structures;
  • Contributing through excellence in educational programmes and setting quality standards;
  • Providing an efficient forum for responding to change.


Middle East and North Africa Real Estate Society logo

Middle East & North Africa Real Estate Society (MENARES)

E-mail: info [@] menares.org

Website: www.menares.orgr/

Founded in Dubai in 2009, The Middle East North Africa Real Estate Society (MENARES) is a pioneering organization in the MENA region. MENARES brings together real estate professionals, industry leaders, academics, investors and public sector officials in an aim to foster discussion, to enhance research, to expand cooperation, to put forth action plans and to improve education and professionalism in the real estate sector and its allied fields. The Society is committed to the positive growth and improvement of the MENA region's real estate sector and is working to ensure it shines as a global leader of excellence.
The members of MENARES are professionals, academics and researchers who, through the association, attend events and exchanges with similar societies.
MENARES is affiliated to the International Real Estate Society (IRES), along with the African Real Estate Society (AfRES), the American Real Estate Society (ARES), the Asia Real Estate Society (AsRES), the Europe Real Estate Society (ERES), the Latin America Real Estate Society (LaRES), and the Pacific-Rim Real Esate Society (PRRES). AfRES is a not-for-profit organization.


All Japan Real Estate Federation logo



Website: www.zennichi.or.jp

The All Japan Real Estate Federation was established in 1952 and now has over 20,000 members. The federation is made up of official members who are private individuals or corporations possessing a license under the Building Lots & Buildings Transaction Business Law, private individuals who have an interest in real estate, corporations and organizations that support the business activities of the Federation as supporting members, as well as honorary members who possess learning and experience in real estate.

In addition to conducting studies and research necessary for the promotion of the use of real estate, proposing real estate policies to the National Diet and the government, and popularising knowledge on real estate and enlightening the general public, the objective of this Federation is the smooth conduct of real estate transactions and promoting the efficient use of the that real estate by ensuring safety and fairness, and while contributing to society, helping to realise the sound development of the industry.


Asian Real Estate Society

Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES)

Website: http://www.asres.org/

The Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES) was established in 1996 with an aim to produce and disseminate real estate related knowledge with particular emphasis on Asia. Starting with 60 founding members, AsRES has grown rapidly. In a short period, AsRES has established her presence in Asia by holding conferences in Hong Kong, Taipei, Hawaii, Beijing, Tokyo, Seoul, and Singapore. AsRES will hold its 16th annual conference in Korea (2011) and its 17th in Singapore (2012).

AsRES offers the opportunity for members to learn more about Asian real estate markets and to interact with real estate educators and professionals in Asia.

AsRES is one of the Associations that is part of the International Real Estate Society (IRES), along with the African Real Estate Society (AfRES), the American Real Estate Society (ARES), the Europe Real Estate Society (ERES), the Latin America Real Estate Society (LaRES), the Middle East and North African Real Estate Society (MENARES), and the Pacific-Rim Real Esate Society (PRRES).
AsRES established its official journal (International Real Estate Review) in 1998.


Asia Pacific Real Estate Accociation

Asia Pacific Real Estate Association (APREA)

Peter F. Mitchell
Chief Executive Officer
13 Amoy Street #02-01
Far East Square
Singapore 049955
E-mail: enquiries [@] aprea.asia

Website: http://www.aprea.asia

The Asia Pacific Real Estate Association (APREA) represents and promotes the real estate asset class in the Asia Pacific region. It is the industry body for the suppliers and users of capital in the real estate sector. APREA works to encourage greater investment in real estate in the Asia Pacitic through the provision of better information to investors, improving the general operating environment, encouraging best practices and generally unifying and strengthening the industry.

APREA's mission is to:

  • Represent and promote the Asia Pacific real estate asset class
  • Encourage greater investment in the Asia Pacific real estate sector through the provision of better information to investors, improving the general operating environment, encouraging best practices and generally unifying and strengthening the industry
  • Enhance regional and global networks for capital suppliers and users
  • Represent the sector to governments and regulators to improve the commercial operating environment for members/li>

ARPEA's membership comprises real estate developers and operating companies, listed real estate trusts, unlisted property funds, investment managers, financial institutions, property securities fund managers, pension funds, sovereign wealth funds and other institutional investors, real estate consultants, corporate advisors, stockbrokers, investment advisors and universities.
The APREA Institute, APREA's education and training arm, provides the foundation for raising standards in the industry through the provision of practical and applied training programs. Its Certificate of Real Estate Investment Finance program (CREIF) is the only course of its kind in the region to be both developed and delivered by industry practitioners.


Korean Real Estate Association (KREA)

Songkyung Bldg, 10fl.
708-30 Yeoksam-dong
Seoul, 135-080
Korea, Republic of

Website: http://fiabci.org/profilebusineescard.aspx?id=2118

TThe Korea Real Estate Association was founded in 1970, under the auspices of the Ministry of Construction. It represents the real estate profession in Korea and offers its members services such as publications and events, as well as special reciprocal links. KREA is the Chapter of FIABCI in Korea.


Pacific Rim Real Estate Society

Pacific-Rim Real Estate Society

Website: http://prres.net

The Pacific-Rim Real Estate Society (PRRES) was established in 1993 to provide a formal focus for property researchers, educators and practitioners in the Pacific-Rim Region. PRRES now has over 130 members from Australia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Fiji, Hong Kong, Thailand, Singapore, China, Indonesia, Malaysia and Korea as well as members from around the globe.
PRRES, along with the American Real Estate Society (ARES), the European Real Estate Society (ERES), the Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES), the African Real Estate Society (AfRES), the Latin American Real Estate Society (LaRes) and the the Middle East North Africa Real Estate Society (MENARES) form the network structure for the International Real Estate Society (IRES) in further developing international property research and education.

PRRES aims to provide a focus for property researchers, educators and practitioners in the Pacific-Rim region and to:

  • to encourage and facilitate property research and property education in the Pacific-Rim region
  • to conduct an annual property conference
  • to encourage international links via the International Real Estate Society


Real Estate Companies of Japan

Real Estate Companies Association of Japan (RECAJ)

Kasumigaseki Building, 7th Floor
2-5 Kasumigaseki 3-chome
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 100-6007

Website: www.fdk.or.jp


Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers

Singapore Institute of Surveyors and Valuers

20 Maxwell Road #10-09B
Maxwell House
Singapore 069113
E-mail: sisv.info [@] sisv.org.sg

Website: www.sisv.org.sg

The Institute was established in 1982 when the Singapore Institute of Surveyors and the Singapore Institute of Valuers merged. The Institute comprises 3 divisions: the Land Surveyors, the Quantity Surveyors and the Valuation and General Practice Surveyors.
The Land Surveyors play a crucial role in the proper erection of buildings, especially high-rise construction, and the accurate delineation and identification of vertical and horizontal interests in these buildings.
The Quantity Surveyors are consulted on the economics of cost in the development or redevelopment process.
The Valuers give advice on the values of interests in property upon which all real estate activities are based on. In addition, the Valuation and General Practice Surveyors also comprise real estate professionals dealing in marketing and agency, management and various forms of consultancy on real estate issues

The Constitution of SISV provides that its aims are:

  • to secure the advancement and facilitate the acquisition of that knowledge which constitutes the professions of Land Surveying, Quantity Surveying and Valuation and General Practice Surveying;
  • to promote the general interests of the profession and to maintain and improve its usefulness for the benefit of the public;
  • regulate and improve the standards of professional conduct and practice of its members.


Thai Appraisal Foundation

Thai Appraisal Foundation

55/40-42 Nonsee Road
Bangkok 10120
E-mail: info [@] thaiappraisal.org

Website: www.thaiappraisal.org

The Thai Appraisal Foundation is a non-profit organization set up for Valuation Education in Thailand. It acts as a research centre, conducting research on property appraisal and urban studies for the advancement of the profession and as an education centre conducting regular valuation and research courses organized for the professionals and taught by experienced experts from Thailand, Australia, USA and other countries.

The Foundation also maintains contact with most national and international institutions to help develop the profession and maintains a nationwide real estate database.

In addition, the Foundation contributes to the public through annual free seminars, exhibition and counselling services for home buyers, providing first-hand and independent information and guidance from its experts and panellists.


International Real Estate Society

International Real Estate Society (IRES)

E-mail: peres [@] ua.es

Website: www.iresnet.net

IRES does not have individuals as members. Individuals get the benefits of IRES by joining and participating in the activities of one of the affiliated real estate societies.
The International Real Estate Society (IRES) is a federation of regional real estate societies, including the African Real Estate Society (AfRES), the American Real Estate Society (ARES), the Asia Real Esate Society (AsRES), the Europe Real Estate Society (ERES), the Pacific-Rim Real Esate Society (PRRES) and the Latin America Real Estate Society (LaRES). Each Society maintains control over its own activities while participating in the federation to get the benefits of global co-operation.

The mission of the International Real Estate Society is to:

  • Encourage communication, co-operation, and co-ordination regarding real estate research and education on a world-wide basis;
  • Encourage and assist in establishment of real estate education and research programs on a world-wide basis;
  • Encourage research on international real estate topics;
  • Encourage and facilitate faculty exchanges;


New Zealand Property Institute

New Zealand Property Institute

PO Box 27-340
E-mail: national [@] property.org.nz

Website: www.property.org.nz/

The New Zealand Property Institute was formed in 2000 by the amalgamation of the New Zealand Institute of Valuers (NZIV), the Institute of Plant & Machinery Valuers (IPMV), and the Property & Land Economy Institute of New Zealand (PLEINZ). The Institute has around 3,000 professional members, who provide services in a number of property related areas involving people, places and spaces. These include; property management, property consultancy, property development, property valuation (rural, residential, commercial and industrial), facilities management, plant and machinery valuation, financial analysis, real estate sales and leasing, project management, and others.
The Institute has 17 branches across provincial and metropolitan New Zealand, a number of overseas members, and is affiliated to a number of other international property organizations.

Professional Designations

The new Institution has eight levels of membership that recognize different levels of professionalism and achievement - Student, Graduate, Affiliate, Associate, Full Member, Senior Member, Fellow and Life Member


Property Council of New Zealand

Level 4 (Foyer Level), WHK Tower
51-53 Shortland Street, Auckland 1010

Postal address:
P.O. Box 1033
Auckland 1140

Website: www.propertynz.co.nz

The Property Council of New Zealand (PCNZ) is a not for profit organisation that represents New Zealand's commercial, industrial, retail property funds and multi-unit residential property owners. PCNZl is the only New Zealand property association actively involved with central, local and other government associated bodies.

Membership ranges from leading institutional investors, pension funds, property trusts and financial organisations to private investors and developers. Asset managers, the professions and trade suppliers actively participate in the association


Real Estate Institute of Australia

Real Estate Institute of Australia

16 Thesiger Court
Deakin West, ACT 2600

Postal address:
P.O. Box 234
Deakin West, ACT 2600
E-mail: reia [@] reiaustralia.com.au

Website: www.reia.com.au

The Real Estate Institute of Australia is the national professional association for the real estate sector of Australia. Founded in 1924, REIA is one of the oldest professional associations in Australia. REIA represents the interests of the real estate sector to the Federal Government. REIA has 7 members, being the State and Territory Real Estate Institutes, which collectively represent about 80% of the real estate firms and licensed estate agents in Australia.
REIA also represents Australian real estate internationally as a principal member of the International Real Estate Federation (FIABCI), Real Estate Institute of New Zealand (REINZ), and as a co-operating association with the association with the National Association of REALTORS© in the USA.

The mission of REIA is to ensure the preservation and growth of property markets, and the business and professional interests of organised real estate practice in Australia.
A key requirement of state and territory Real Estate Institute membership is acceptance of a strict Code of Conduct and Rules of Practice. Acceptance of these professional standards sets state and territory Real Estate Institute members apart from other real estate agents.


Real Estate Institute of New Zealand Inc. (REINZ)

Real Estate Institute of New Zealand Inc. (REINZ)

P.O. Box 5663
Parnell, Auckland

Website: www.reinz.co.nz

A national body, REINZ has been a mark of quality celebrating an industry of Real Estate Professionals for nearly a century.
Over 10,500 real estate professionals are members of REINZ, including specialists in all facets of the Real Estate arena.

The role of the Real Estate Institute includes:
  • Promoting and facilitating the quality, expertise and integrity of REINZ members in relation to the principles and practice of real estate;
  • Representing REINZ members on all matters affecting their interests particularly the effects of legislation, regulations, rules of government, government agencies including crown entities, and local authorities;
  • Undertaking such commercial activities of benefit, interest and advantage for REINZ and its members.


Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Australia

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Australia

Level 25, Chifley Tower,
Chifley Square
Sydney NSW, 2000
E-mail: info [@] rics.org.au

Website: www.rics.org.au

The Australia region of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors incorporates Australia, New Zealand, Fiji and Papua New Guinea.

The key practice areas of the regions 1,100 members are: GENERAL PRACTICE; QUANTITY SURVEYING; BUILDING SURVEYING; PROJECT & DEVELOPMENT. The RICS has a vigorous University course accreditation process which covers 180 courses in 15 countries including 14 courses in property valuation and quantity surveying at Australasian universities. A secretariat is based in Sydney with an executive director, Mr. John Coward, who is responsible for the operations in the region and linking the head quarters based in the UK. 14 RICS accredited courses are available to students to undertake at Universities in the region.


Association of Institutional Property Investors in the Netherlands

Association of Institutional Property Investors in the Netherlands
Vereniging van Institutionele Beleggers in Vastgoed, Nederland (IVBN)

P.O. Box 620
The Netherlands

Website: http://ivbn.nl

The Association of Institutional Property Investors in the Netherlands (IVBN) was established in 1995 to promote the interests of its members, to provide a platform for institutional property investors and to further professionalism in the sector. To this end IVBN focuses on direct and indirect investment in property, concentrating on the actual bricks and mortar.
Membership of IVBN is open to institutional property investors whose objective is sustainable commercial operation. The members include pension funds, insurance companies and banks, real estate funds and companies which may or may not be listed and professional portfolio managers who have a substantial direct and/or indirect property portfolio.
The members of IVBN include large pension funds, insurance companies, banks, and real estate funds and companies that may or may not be listed. On 1 January 2009 IVBN had 31 members who jointly represent more than €50 billion investment in Dutch property and another €150 billion abroad. The organisations affiliated to IVBN invest – both directly and indirectly – mainly in housing (approximately 43%), offices (approximately 24%) and retail outlets (approximately 28%). They also invest in industrial property, including car parks.


CoreNet Global

European Headquarters
Park Atrium
rue des Colonies, 11
Website: www.corenetglobal.org

See more CoreNet Global (USA)


Chambre des Experts Immobiliers de France FNAIM

Chambre des Experts Immobiliers de France FNAIM

129 Rue de Faubourg St Honoré
F-75407 Paris, Cedex 08


Created in 1946, as the Fédération Nationale de L’Immobilier, FNAIM represents and defends the real estate profession at national (parliament, government and administrative) and at a local (commune and regional) levels. FNAIM brings together over 7,000 firms and some 30,000 individuals drawn from property agents, property managers, developers and consultants. FNAIM provides insurance and legal advice to its members and promotes education and research.


Confédération des Immobiliers de Belgique

Confédération des Immobiliers de Belgique

Chaussée de Waterloo, 715, Bte. 40
Bruxelles, B-1180


The Belgian Real Estate Confederation (CIB) has around 1,600 members. It is a professional body whose mission is to bring together real estate professionals from the following real estate sectors : brokerage, management and valuation. It offers services such as further education seminars and courses, real estate publications and consultancy and also organizes study groups to address real estate issues.


European Public Real Estate Association

European Association of Investors in Non-listed Real Estate Vehicles (INREV)

Strawinskylaan 631
1077 XX
The Netherlands

Website: www.inrev.org

INREV is the European association for Investors in Non-listed Real Estate funds. It is Europe’s leading platform for the sharing of knowledge on the non-listed real estate funds sector. INREV's goal is to improve transparency, professionalism and best practices across the industry, making non-listed real estate funds more accessible and attractive to investors.
INREV works for and with its members in a number of specific ways. These include: 

  • Research reports – to track industry development and have the latest market information at your fingertips
  • Analytical tools – to undertake peer group analysis and compare and contrast information on individual funds
  • Guidelines and professional standards – to help fund managers present information on funds consistently and transparently and help investors compare and contrast fund offerings
  • Public affairs – to provide updates on regulatory issues which could effect the non-listed real estate funds industry, and to act as a platform for constructive dialogue between our members and EU policy makers
  • Events – to stay ahead of market trends, exchange ideas and network with industry peers
  • Training courses and webinars – local training across Europe and accessible online webinars with an emphasise on practical education by professionals, for professionals


European Property Federation (EPF)

European Property Federation (EPF)

Boulevard Saint-Michel 45
E-mail: info [@] epf-fepi.com

Website: www.epf-fepi.com

Founded in Brussels in May of 1997, the European Property Federation (EPF) represents all aspects of private property ownership and investment : residential landlords, Scandinavian housing companies, commercial property companies, shopping centres and the property interests of the institutional investors (banks, insurance companies, pension funds). Its members own and manage property assets worth €1,5 trillion.
The role of the European Property Federation is to make sure that, at the level of the European Union, politicians and civil servants understand and support these goals and enact policies that help to achieve them.
Members of EPF include: Association of the European Union of Developers and House Builders; Spanish Rental Property Companies; British Property Federation; Danish Property Federation; Federation of Hungarian Real Estate Associations; Finnish Real Estate Federation; Maastricht University; KIINKO - Real Estate Education (Finland); Portuguese Council of Shopping Centres; Real Estate Council of The Netherlands; Romanian Association of Building Owners; Scandinavian International Property Association; Solvay Brussels School; Spanish Council of Shopping Centres and the Swedish Property Federation.


European Public Real Estate Association

European Public Real Estate Association (EPRA)

Schiphol Boulevard 283
1118 BH Schiphol Airport
The Netherlands

Website: www.epra.com

EPRA aims to provide European public real estate companies with effective and continuous leadership in matters of common interest. EPRA encourages discussion of issues impacting the industry both within its membership and with appropriate Governmental and regulatory bodies. EPRA endeavours to develop policies concerning standards of reporting disclosure, ethics and industry practices. Although not a disciplinary body, EPRA actively encourages adherence to these policies. EPRA sponsors and publishes research and analysis for the benefit of its members.


Conseil Européen des Professions Immobiliéres

European Real Estate Council/Conseil Européen des Professions Immobiliéres (CEPI)

Xavier Ortegat, Administrateur délégué
Martine Van Adorp, Office Manager
avenue de Tervueren 36 bte 2
B - 1040 Bruxelles
Email: cepi [@] cepi.eu

Web site: www.cepi.be

Created in 1990, the European Real Estate Council is an international non-profit association (aisbl) headquartered in Brussels.
CEPI is an umberella organization for 42 national associations in 25 EU and EFTA countries. In this way it brings together more than 200,000 real estate professionals, property agents and property managers. Its primary aim is to support European and cross-border real estate transactions by enhancing and developing the work and the activities of real estate professionals.
CEPI has also established a limited number of partnerships with European and American professional associations to exchange information, points of view, experience and expertise.


European Real Estate Society

European Real Estate Society

Website: www.eres.org

The European Real Estate Society (ERES) was established in 1994 to create a structured and permanent network between real estate academics and professionals across Europe. ERES provides an open forum for the exchange of ideas and the dissemination of research relevant to applied decision making in real estate finance, economics, appraisal, investment and asset management. The European Real Estate Society is dedicated to promoting and advancing the field of real estate research throughout Europe. Incorporating many national property research societies, academic researchers and real estate practitioners, our annual conference and regular publications provide a forum for information flow and debate on research issues. ERES is a non-profit organisation affiliated with the International Real Estate Society.
ERES is one of the Associations that is part of the International Real Estate Society (IRES), along with the African Real Estate Society (AfRES), the Asian Real Estate Society (ARES), the American Real Estate Society (ARES), the Latin America Real Estate Society (LaRES), the Middle East and North African Real Estate Society (MENARES), and the Pacific-Rim Real Esate Society (PRRES).


Fédération International des Géomètres

Fédération International des Géomètres

FIG at Lindevangs Alle 4
DK-2000 Frederiksberg

Website: www.fig.net

FIG was founded in 1878 in Paris. It is a federation of national associations and is the only international body that represents all surveying disciplines. It is a UN-recognized non government organisation (NGO) and its aim is to secure that the disciplines of surveying and all who practice them meet the needs of the markets and communities that they serve. Nearly 100 countries are represented in FIG by member associations, affiliates, sponsors and academic members.


Hungarian Real Estate Association (HREA)

Hungarian Real Estate Association (HREA)

Magyar Ingatlanszövetség (MAISZ)
Margit krt. 43-45
Budapest H-1024
Tel: +36 1 336 0072
Fax: +36 1 3360073
E-mail: info [@] maisz.hu

Website: www.maisz.hu

The Hungarian Real Estate Association was established in 1991 as the Chamber of Hungarian Real Estate Dealers. It adopted its current name in 1998.
The Association works to assist real estate agents, appraisers, developers and managers in their professional activities. HREA organizes and coordinates the efforts of the members engaged in property sales, brokerage, development, appraising, management and other activities related to real estate.
The Association promotes continuous education by organizing training courses, conferences, fairs and professional workshops. The Association provides certification for its members in the form of a EUFIM certificate.


Fédération Internationales des Professions Immobilières (FIABCI)

Fédération Internationales des Professions Immobilières

FIABCI – The International Real Estate Federation
23 Avenue Bosquet
75007 Paris, France

Website: www.fiabci.com

An association originally founded in Paris in 1951 under the title Fédération Internationales des Administrateurs de Biens, Conseils et Immobilièrs (FIABCI) and now the largest international association of companies and persons practicing the real estate profession. The association is now called the Fédération Internationale des Professions Immobilièrs (more commonly FIABCI for short) or the International Real Estate Federation. In 1999 FIABCI embraced more than 50 member countries and has over 5,000 members.
The Federation's objectives are "1. Primarily, the study of all aspects of major problems with which the real estate profession is concerned in each country, and of any general solution the Federation can recommend. 2. The pooling and circulation of general and technical information to facilitate professional and public action. 3. The protection of members' interests, and assistance to members whenever the rules of the real estate profession are called into question. 4. Vocational training for the young and extension of their knowledge through international exchange of trainees. 5. Lastly, though very important, guidance of the efforts of the profession to promote the unification and development of real estate policy through out the world, publicity and communication techniques, town planning and new social patterns." FIABCI has an association with over 100 other professional bodies.


International Real Estate Federation

See Fédération Internationales des Professions Immobilière


Ordre des Geometres-Experts

Ordre des Géomètres-Experts

40 Avenue Hoche
75008 Paris

Website: www.geometre-expert.fr

The official organisation of géomètres-experts (land surveyors) in France. The profession of géomètres-expert was established in 1946 (Law of 7 May 1946). The activities of the géomètres-expert involve topographical surveying, bornage (establishing legal boundaries), land planning, land measurement and evaluation, the establishment of documents in connection with copropriété (co-ownership), cadastral plans and other surveying roles. The Ordre des Géomètres-Experts is associated with other European associations, in particular the Comité de Liaison des Géomètres-Experts Européens.


Real Estate Council of the Netherlands

Real Estate Council of the Netherlands

P.O. Box 93002
2509 AA
THE HAGUE The Netherlands

Website: http://roz.nl


Royal Town Planning Institute

Scandinavian International Property Association (SIPA)

Box 161 32
SE-103 23
Phone: +46 70 2842910
Fax: +46 8 21 06 24
E-mail: info [@] sipa.nu

Website: www.sipa.nu

The Scandinavian International Property Association (SIPA) was founded in 1989 and is an organization for major property investors with interests in the Nordic countries.
Throughout the years SIPA has developed to be the natural partner for foreign investors looking for partners and information on real estate in the Nordic area.
The association seeks to maintain and expand internal and external links between its members and aims to support Nordic investors in acquiring, managing and developing domestic and foreign properties.
The Association is only open to those organizations that by their size or their activity can play an important role on the North European property markets.
SIPA members represent the largest and most important property association in the Nordic markets. The majority of the members are coming from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.


British Council of Shopping Centres

British Council of Shopping Centres (BCSC)

1 Queen Anne's Gate

Website: www.bcsc.org.uk

BCSC aims to provide business networking opportunities for its members; influencegovernment policy to meet the needs of its members; encourage growth from new markets, products and services; undertake a comprehensive research programme; and invest in educational programmes for professional development.
BCSC aims to foster a professional, socially responsible and progressive retail property industry and thereby enhance our members' commercial advantage. BCSC embraces the retail property industry in all shopping formats (high street, shopping centre, retail parks) and all locations (in town, edge of town, out of town). BSCS is intended for public and private sector members and combines a valuable internal forum with an authoritative and collective voice on behalf of its members.


British Institute of Facilities Management logo

British Institute of Facilities Management

67 High Street
Saffron Walden,
Essex CB10 1AA

Website: www.bifm.org.uk

BIFM’s objectives are to develop high standards of professional conduct in facility management; to support the practice of facility management with training, education, information and research and to generate awareness of the value of the effective use of facilities management.


Chartered Institute of Builders

Chartered Institute of Builders

Englemere, Kings Ride
Ascot, Berkshire SL5 7TB

Website: www.ciob.org.uk/

The Chartered Institute of Building is the leading professional body worldwide for managers in the construction industry. For over 160 years the Institute has pioneered the way in establishing and promoting standards of excellence, and now sets the pace on a global scale for education and professionalism of those who manage the construction of the built environment. Its objectives, as defined in its charter, are (a) the Promotion for the public benefit of the science and practice of Building; and (b) the advancement of public education in the said science and practice, including all necessary research and publication of the results of all such research. The CIOB has almost 40,000 members drawn from the top ranks of the construction industry working in over 90 countries. These members have a common commitment to achieving and maintaining the highest possible standards in the industry. CIOB is an educational charity, governed by Royal Charter, that provides a multi-disciplinary technical management-based qualification.


Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation

Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation

41 Doughty Street
London WC1N

Website: www.irrv.net/

The Institute of Revenues, Rating and Valuation was founded in London in 1882, originally as the Metropolitan Rate Collectors’ Association. Today the Institute is the pre-eminent professional body in the UK concerned with local taxation and property valuation, with nearly 6,000 members. The Institute's mission is to be the leading professional body in the field of local authority revenues, including associated valuation and benefit areas. This mission is expressed through the Institute's policy work and research; the advice it gives to governmental and other agencies; its educational initiatives and promotion of standards of lifelong learning and teaching; and its national and international conferences, seminars and training programmes. The IRRV’s mission is international and the Institute welcomes many individual members across the world, as well working in close partnership with international partners.


National Association of Estate Agents

National Association of Estate Agents

Arbon House,
21 Jury Street
CV34 4EH

Website: www.naea.co.uk

The National Association of Estate Agents is the largest professional organization in United Kingdom dedicated to estate agents involved in sales and letting. The Association has over 9,500 members. The aim of the Association is to promote unity and understanding among estate agents and to protect the general public against fraud, misrepresentation and malpractice; safeguard its membership and the public against restrictive practices within the profession; encourage a high ethical standard of competitive practice combined with commercial practice; provide an organisation for land and estate agents and managers, surveyors, auctioneers and valuers for the protection of their collective interests; and do such things as may be necessary or expedient to sustain or raise the status of such professionals and particularly the members of the Association. Members of the NAEA benefit from the Association’s HomeLink, which is a national referral system with international connections and has over 900 members.


Property Consultants Society

Property Consultants Society

Basement Office
1 Surrey Street
Arundel, West Sussex
BN18 9DP
E-mail: pcs [@] propco.freeserve.co.uk

Website: www.p-c-s.org.uk/

A society whose principal objects are to provide a central organisation for quantity surveyors, architects, valuers, auctioneers, land and estate agents, master builders, and constructional engineers, who practice as consultants in their branches of the profession and including legal members specialising in real estate matters. The society has the aim of helping to raise the professional standing and status of members.


Royal Institute of British Architects

Royal Institute of British Architects

66 Portland Place
London W1N 4AD

Website: www.architecture.com

The principal body of architects in Britain and the most famous architectural institute in the world. Founded in 1834 to promote "the general advancement of Civil Architecture and for promoting and facilitating the acquirement of the knowledge of various Arts and Sciences connected therewith". The RIBA has over 30,000 members worldwide, who share the same knowledge base and the same concern for the built environment.
The Royal Institute of British Architects champions better buildings, communities and the environment through architecture and our members. The RIBA provides the standards, training, support and recognition that put its members – in the UK and overseas – at the peak of their profession.
With government, the RIBA works to improve the design quality of public buildings, new homes and new communities.

Professional Designations:

Associate of the Royal Institution of British Architects (ARIBA)
Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects (FRIBA)


Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors

Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors

12 Great George Street
Parliament Square
London SW1P 3AD

Website: www.rics.org

The RICS was founded in 1868 and was incorporated by Royal Charter in 1881 as The Surveyors Institution. Its name was changed to The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors in 1947. The RICS is the world's largest professional society of surveyors with over 85,000 members. Chartered surveyors are the leading source of professional advice on land, property and construction throughout the world. Membership of the Institution consists of four classes, namely Fellows, Professional Associates, Associates and Honorary Members; and there are classes of Probationers and Students attached to but not Members of the Institution. Fellows and Professional Members may use after their name the initials FRICS or ARICS and the designation 'Chartered Surveyor'. Associates and Honorary Members are appointed to assist with the profession, its professional knowledge and objects; the former are not surveyors by profession and the latter are not engaged in practice as a surveyor in Great Britain, Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland. All Members of the Institution are subject to the Bye-Laws of the Institution.

Professional Designations:

Associate of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (ARICS)
Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (MRICS)
Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (FRICS)


Royal Town Planning Institute

Royal Town Planning Institute

26 Portland Place
London W1N 4BE


The Royal Town Planning Institute is responsible for members of the town planning professional in the United Kingdom. Its membership exceeds 18,000. The Institute is independent of government and its object is to advance the science and art of town planning for the benefit of the public. The RTPI maintains high standards of education, training, competence and conduct within the profession, promotes the role of planning and presents the professions views on current planning issues and policies. The Institute offers guidance to its members and the public on matters of professional practice, and helps run a nationwide network of free, voluntary planning aid services.

Professional Designations:

Member (MRTPI)
Fellow (FRTPI)
Legal Member (RPTPI) (now replaced by Legal Associate)
Technical Member (TechRTPI)


Institute of Professional Auctioneers and Valuers (Ireland)

Institute of Professional Auctioneers and Valuers (IPAV)

Website: www.iavi.ir

The Institute of Professional Auctioneers and Valuers (IPAV) was founded in 1971. It was established to provide an organization for Auctioneers and Valuers to protect, advance and promote the professional standards of Auctioneers and Valuers. IPAV promotes the public interest in the professional competence of its members and protects the interest of its members between themselves, non-members and the general public. Currently IPAV has in excess of 950 practising members.
IPAV provides full-time and part-time education courses to educate existing and aspiring Auctioneers and Valuers to the high professional standards expected of an IPAV member. In addition to this, IPAV provides continuous professional development and regular publications for its members, keeping them informed of new legislation and practices in all aspects of auctioneering and valuation in Ireland.
IPAV has a Code of Conduct to which its members are expected to adhere. This Code outlines what IPAV considers to be good professional behaviour in Auctioneering and Valuation.
Member firms contribute to IPAV's Deposit Protection Fund. This fund provides added protection to members of the public who pay a deposit to IPAV member firms.
IPAV has nominating rights to Seanad Éireann and has regular communication with government departments, local authorities and many other appropriate bodies in the building and property industry in Ireland.
IPAV is a member of the Confederation of European Estate Agents (CEI) which represents over 45,000 estate agents throughout Europe.


Society of Chartered Surveyors (Ireland)

38 Merrion Square
Dublin 2
E-mail: info [@] scsi.ie

Website: www.scsi.ie

The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland is the independent professional body for Chartered Surveyors working and practicing in Ireland. Working in partnership with Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), the pre-eminent Chartered professional body for the construction, land and property sectors around the world, the Society and RICS act in the public interest: setting and maintaining the highest standards of competence and integrity among the profession; and providing impartial, authoritative advice on key issues for business, society and governments worldwide.
Members of the profession are typically employed in the construction, land and property markets through private practice, in central and local government, in state agencies, in academic institutions, in business organisations and in non-governmental organisations.
All aspects of the profession, from education through to qualification and the continuing maintenance of the highest professional standards are regulated and overseen through the partnership of the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland and RICS, in the public interest. This valuable partnership with RICS enables access to a worldwide network of research, experience and advice.
The Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland was established as a result of a merger between the Society of Chartered Surveyors (SCS) and the Irish Auctioneers & Valuers Institute (IAVI) in 2011.

Professional Designations:

Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors Ireland (MRICSI)
Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (FRICSI)

Professional Members of the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland are entitled to dual membership of the RICS and Members of the RICS (Chartered Surveyors) who practice in Ireland are entitled to apply to become Members of the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland. Also, there are Associate Trainee (Student) and Trainee members of the Institution, althogh they are not qualifed to act as professionally qualified members.

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