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zone; district; area.
(zone artisanale: light industrial area, esp. an area zoned for non-polluting uses)
(zone d'activité: area zoned for industrial use; industrial zone, which may include commercial, warehouse or related business uses)
(zone de concentration urbaine: urban region; conurbation)
(zone de développement: development area)
(zone de rénovation: rehabilitation area; area of comprehensive development)
(zone industrielle: industrial area; industrial estate)
(zone piétonnière; zone piéton: pedestrian area)
(zone urbaine: urban area).

zone á urbaniser par priorité (ZUP) (F)

priority urban development area. A housing area that a public authority considered should be redeveloped as a matter of urgency (similar to an action area in English planning law). Since 1975, superseded by a zone d'intervention foncière.

P. Soler-Couteaux. Droit de l'urbanisme (2ème éd. 1997), §§ 17-18.

zone d'aménagement concerté (ZAC)(F)

comprehensive development area. An area of land that has been designated by a planning authority for comprehensive development, but not as a matter of immediate priority. A ZAC is controlled essentially by a collective or a public authority that aims to acquire land to facilitate comprehensive development (French Law of 3 January 1968, art. 16; C. urb. L. 311 et seq.).

R. Acota and V. Renard. Urban Land and Property Markets in France (1993), pp. 74-76, 145-146.
P. Châteaureynaud. Dictionnaire de l'urbanisme (2ème éd. 1999), pp. 702-712 'zone d'aménagement concerté".
J.-B. Auby et H. Périnet-Marquet. Droit de l'urbanisme et de la construction (5ème éd. 1998), §§ 712-740.
H. Jacquot et F. Priet. Droit de l'urbanisme (3ème éd. 1998), §§ 486-814.
P. Soler-Couteaux. Droit de l'urbanisme (2ème éd. 1997), §§ 679-760.
Jégouzo, Y. (dir.). Dalloz Action, Urbanisme (1998), §§ 9632-9852.
J. Courrech. Zones d'aménagement concerté (ZAC) (1997).
Code Permanent: Construction et Urbanisme, vol. 2 'ZAC'.

zone d'aménagement différé (ZAD)(F)

deferred (or future) development area. An area that is likely to be designated a zone d'intervention fonciére at a future date, but is currently not considered as one that requires priority treatment. The purpose of designating a ZAD is to prevent land speculation by giving a public authority a droit de préemption (right of pre-emption) on any land in the area that is offered for sale after the designation (Law of 26 July 1962, arts 7-12; C. urb. L 212-1 et seq.).

P. Châteaureynaud. Dictionnaire de l'urbanisme, (2ème éd. 1999), pp. 713-714 'zone d'aménagement différé'.
R. Acota and V. Renard. Urban Land and Property Markets in France (1993), pp. 74-76, 143-146.
P. Soler-Couteaux. Droit de l'urbanisme (2ème éd. 1997), §§ 603-609.
Jégouzo, Y. (dir.). Dalloz Action, Urbanisme (1998), §§ 9858-9929.
Code Permanent: Construction et Urbanisme, vol. 2 'ZAD'.

zone de protection du patrimoine architectural, urbain et paysage (ZPPAUP)(F)

conservation area. An area where historic buildings and sites are to be protected by strict controls over architecture and development (Law of 7 January 1983, arts. 70-73).

P. Soler-Couteaux. Droit de l'urbanisme (2ème éd. 1997), §§ 569-584.
Jégouzo, Y. (dir.). Dalloz Action, Urbanisme (1998), §§ 9930-9999.
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abandonment |  bargain |  commission |  cost approach |  démembrements(F) |  easement |  estoppel |  fixture |  good repair |  letter of intent |  licence by estoppel |  money
mortgage-backed security (MBS) | 3 multiple listing |  noscitur a sociis(Lat) |  police power(US)
 |  possibility of reverter |  quiet enjoyment |  real covenant(US) |  rent
spot zoning |  title insurance |  Torrens title system |  multiple listing service (MLS)(US)
 |  unvalued policy |  usufruit(F) |  value |  voluntary waste
 |  wraparound mortgage(US) |  zone a urbaniser (ZUP)(F)