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Real Estate Definitions - Encyclopedia
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ISBN: 978-0-9668946-2-2
Comprehensive List of Canadian Property Cases

Property Cases:  CANADA

OTHER JURISDICTIONS (incl. Commonwealth, European & French Cases)

Select a Case to see more details
(Country, Case, Report, Jurisdiction and the corresponding Real Estate Term)


A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  J  |  K  |  L  |  M
N  |  O  |  P–Q  |  R  |  S  |  T  |  U  |  V  |  W  |  X  |  Y  |  Z

100 Main Street Ltd v WB Sullivan Construction Ltd


A.L.M. Investments Ltd v Strata Plan NW 2320 (Owners)
A.V.G. Management Science Ltd. v Barwell Developments Ltd.
A.V.G. Management Science Ltd. v Barwell Developments Ltd.
Abbey Glen Property Corp'n v Stumborg
A-G (British Columbia) v Neilson
Alger v Sarnia Oil Co
Assaly v Ontario (Minister of Revenue)
Atlas Cabinets & Furniture Ltd v National Trust Co
Atlas Cabinets & Furniture Ltd v National Trust Co
Baker Milk Co v London (City of)
Balemba v Louis
Bauer v Bank of Montreal
Beer v Lea
Bergman v Canadian Farm Implements Co
Black, Gavin & Co v Chalmers
British Columbia v Tener
Bulmer v R
Bulmer v R
Burke v Campbell


Calder v British Columbia (Attorney General)
Canada Fina Oil Ltd v Paschke
Canadian General Electric Co v Canadian Rubber Co
Canadian General Electric Co v Canadian Rubber Co
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce v Nault
Canadian Pacific Ltd v Paul
Canadian Pioneer Petroleums Inc. v Federal Deposit Insurance Corp'n
Century 21 CG Realty Ltd v Trickett
Clark's-Gamble of Canada v Grand Park Plaza
Clarke v Edmonton (City of)
Delgamuuku v British Columbia
Didow v Alberta Power Ltd
Draft Masonry (York) Co v PA Restorations Inc
Farrell v Portland Rolling Mills Co
Ferguson v Troop
First Investors Corp'n v Veeradon Developments Ltd
Foster v Reaume
Goodman Estate v Geffen
Gorman v Young
Great Lakes Hotels Ltd v Noshery Ltd


Hall v Campbellford Cloth Co
Hickey v Stalker
Hoar v Mills (No. 2)
Jain v Nepean (City)
Jones v De Marchant
Keewatin Power Co v Keewatin Flour Mills Ltd
Kennedy v Husband
King's Old Country Ltd v Liquid Carbonic Can Corp'n Ltd
Kosmopoulos v Constitution Insurance Co of Canada
Krupa v Camel Resources Ltd
Lawson v Lawson
Leung v Leung
Lewis v Allison
Lewis v Allison
Loring v Brightwood Golf & Country Club Ltd.
Loukras v R
Lozcal Holdings Ltd v Brassos Developments Ltd
Lyons v McVeity


MacMillan Bloedel Ltd v Sunshine Coast Assessor
MacNeill v. North American Leaseholds Ltd (
Makowecki v Yachimyc
Malpas v St Ermin's Property Co Ltd
Maracle v Travellers Indemnity Co of Canada
Marshall v Consol (District)
Mayrand v 768565 Ontario Ltd
McCann v Temiskaming Hotel
McGrath v McGrath
Mcgregor & McIniyre Co. v Sterling Appraisal Co.
McKeag, Harris Realty & Development Co Ltd v Builders Mutual Assets Ltd
McPhee v Canadian Pacific Railway Co
Merritt v Toronto (City)
Minister of National Revenue v Northwood Country Club
Minister of National Revenue v Shaw Estate
Montreal Light, Heat & Power Consolidated v Westmount (Town)
Murray v Delta Cooper Co
Myers v Johnston
New Westminster (City) v Brighouse
Nicoli v Liberty Mutual Insurance Co
Northern Construction Co v Globe Heating & Plumbing Ltd
Ost v Turnbull


Paterson v Houghton
Piper v Stevenson
Pleet v Canadian Northern Quebec Ry Co
Price v Green
R v Feeney
R v Moore
R. v Kee
R. v New Imperial Mines Ltd.
Racine v Quebec
Re Brown and City of Vancouver
Re Dollar Land Corp'n Ltd and Solomon
Re Eddy Forest Products
Re Humberstone Coal Co
Re Hunt and Bell
Re Palmer v Reesor
Re Snowball
Re Spike and Roca Group Ltd
Re Windsor (City) Restricted Area By-law 4887
Reference re Alberta Legislation
Robertson v Milan
Royal Bank of Canada v Slack


Saint John (City of) v Saab
Scharf v Mac's Milk Ltd
Shelf Holdings Ltd v Huskey Oil Operations
Sherren v Pearson
Silverwood (Village) v Watt
Spruce Falls Power & Paper Co v OPEIU Local 166
Stack v T Eaton Co
Starlite Variety Stores Ltd v Cloverlawn Investments Ltd
Stephens v Gordon
Tanenbaum Meadow Ltd v Wright-Winston Ltd
Taylor v Silver Giant Mines Ltd
United Cigar Stores Ltd v Buller
United Fuel Supply Co v Volcanic Oil and Gas Co
Upper Thames River Conservation Authority v London (City)
Veilleux c. Québec (Commission de protection du territoire agricole)
Weeks v Rosocha
Western Minerals Ltd v Gaumont
Wiltse v Excelsior Life Insurance Co
Winnipeg Mortgage Exchange Ltd v Mortgage Holding
Wood v LeBlanc
Wotherspoon v Canadian Pacific Ltd
YorkCondominium Corp. No. 59 v York Condominium Corp. No. 87

This list of cases is extracted from the Encyclopedia of Real Estate Terms
which is available in hardback, as well as ONLINE

© Delta Alpha Publishing 2011–2024
abandonment |  bargain |  commission |  cost approach |  démembrements(F) |  easement |  estoppel |  fixture |  good repair |  letter of intent |  licence by estoppel |  money
mortgage-backed security (MBS) | 3 multiple listing |  noscitur a sociis(Lat) |  police power(US)
 |  possibility of reverter |  quiet enjoyment |  real covenant(US) |  rent
spot zoning |  title insurance |  Torrens title system |  multiple listing service (MLS)(US)
 |  unvalued policy |  usufruit(F) |  value |  voluntary waste
 |  wraparound mortgage(US) |  zone a urbaniser (ZUP)(F)