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Real Estate Definitions - Encyclopedia
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Property Law Cases: ENGLAND & WALES and SCOTLAND

OTHER JURISDICTIONS (incl. Commonwealth, European & French Cases)

Select a Case to see more details
(Country, Case, Report, Jurisdiction and the corresponding Real Estate Term)


A  |  B  |  C  |  D  |  E  |  F  |  G  |  H  |  I  |  J  |  K  |  L
M  |   N  |  O  |  P–Q  |  R  |  S  |  T  |  U  |  V  |  W-Z


A Ketley Ltd v Scott
Abbey Homesteads Group Ltd v Secretary of State for Transport
Abbey Homesteads Group Ltd v Secretary of State for Transport
Abbey National Building Society v Cann
Abbey National Building Society v Cann
Abbott v Abbott
Abernethie v AM and J Kleiman Ltd
Abram Steamship Co v Westvill Shipping Co
Ackland v Lutley
Acton v Blundell
Adagio Properties Ltd v Ansari
Adami v Lincoln Grange Management Ltd
Adams and Wade Ltd v Minister of Housing and Local Government
Adams v Lindsell
Addiscombe Garden Estates Ltd v Crabbe
Addiscombe Garden Estates Ltd v Crabbe
Adelphi Estates v Christie
Adler v Blackman
Afovos Shipping Co SA v Pagnan
Afovos Shipping Co SA v Pagnan
A-G (ex rel Yorkshire Derwent Trust Ltd) v Brotherton
A-G of Hong Kong v Humphreys Estate
A-G of Ontario v Mercer
A-G of Ontario v Mercer
A-G of Southern Nigeria v John Holt & Co (Liverpool) Ltd
A-G of Southern Nigeria v John Holt & Co (Liverpool) Ltd
A-G of Straits Settlement v Wemyss
A-G of the Duchy of Lancaster v GE Overton (Farms) Ltd
AG Securities v Vaughan, Antoniades v Villiers
AG Securities v Vaughan, Antoniades v Villiers
AG Securities v Vaughan, Antoniades v Villiers
A-G v Biphosphated Guano Co
A-G v British Museum Trustees
A-G v Chambers
A-G v Chambers
A-G v De Keyser's Royal Hotel
A-G v De Keyser's Royal Hotel
A-G v Great Eastern Ry Co
A-G v Hanmer
A-G v Jacobs-Smith
A-G v Jewish Colonization Association
A-G v Moore
A-G v P. Y. A. Quarries
A-G v Pyle
A-G v Sands
A-Gv Colchester Corporation
Ahmed v Kendrick
Ainsdale Investments Ltd v First Secretary of State
Ajit (Chintamanie) v Joseph Mootoo Sammy
Aker v Collingwood Housing Association
Alan (WJ) & Co Ltd v El Nasr Export and Import Co
Alan Estates Ltd v WGStores Ltd
Alan Wibberley Building Ltd v Insley
Alan Wibberley Building Ltd v Insley
Alan Wibberley Building Ltd v Insley
Aldin v Latimer Clark, Muirhead & Co
Aldred's Case
Aldred's Case
Aldridge v Ferne
Alfred F Beckett v Lyons
Allan Jacobsson v Sweden
Allen v Greenwood
Allen v Matthews
Allen v Veranne Builders Ltd
Alliance and Leicester plc v Slayford
Allnatt London Properties v Newton
Altham's Case
Amalgamated Investment & Property Co Ltd v John Walker and Sons Ltd
Amalgamated Property Co. v Texas Bank
Amec Developments Ltd v Jury's Hotel Management (UK) Ltd
Ammonia Soda Company v Chamberlain
Amoco Australia Pty Ltd v Rocca Bros.
Amyer v Pluck
Anchor Brewhouse Developments v Berkley House (Developments) Ltd
Anderson Antiques (UK) Ltd v Anderson Wharf (Hull) Ltd
Anderson v Bostock
Anderson v Commercial Union Assurance Co
Andrews v Ramsay & Co
Andrews v Ramsey & Co
Andrews v Waite
Anglia Building Society v Sheffield City Council
Anglia Building Society v Sheffield City Council
Angus v Dalton
Ankerson v Connerly
Anns v Merton London Borough
Appleby v Meyers
Aribisala v St James' Homes (Grosvenor Dock) Ltd
Markham v Paget
Armagas Ltd v Mundogas SA
Ashbridge Investments Ltd v Minister of Housing and Local Government
Ashburn Anstalt v Arnold
Ashburn Anstalt v Arnold
Ashbury Ry Carriage & Iron Co Ltd v Riche
Asher v Whitlock
Ashworth Frazer Ltd v Gloucester City Council
Aslan v Murphy (Nos. 1 & 2)
Aslan v Murphy (Nos. 1 & 2)
Associated Cinema Properties v Hampstead Borough Council
Associated Provincial Picture Houses, Limited v Wednesbury Corporation
Associated Provincial Picture Houses, Limited v Wednesbury Corporation
Aston Charities Trust Ltd v Stepney Borough Council
Atcherley v Du Moulin
Athill v Athill
Attorney General v Blake
Attree v Hawe
Attwood v Bovis Homes Ltd
Attwood v Bovis Homes Ltd
Attwood v Lamont
Attwood v Llay Main Collieries
Attwood v Small
Austerberry v Oldham Corporation
Avraamides v Colwill
Axa Equity and Law Home Loans Ltd v Hirani Watson


B.T.E. v Merseyside and Cheshire Rent Assessment Committee
Back v Stacey
Backer v Secretary of State for the Environment
Bacon v Bacon
Bagettes Ltd v GP Estates Ltd
Bain v Fothergill
Bain v Fothergill
Baker v Dewey
Baldwin's Ltd v Halifax Corp'n
Ball v Plummer
Ballard (Kent) Ltd v Olliver Ashworth (Holdings) Ltd
Ballard v Tomlinson
Bamford v Turnley
Banning v Wright
Bannister v Bannister
Banque Bruxelles SA v Eagle Star
Banque Financière de la Cité v Westgate Insurance Co Ltd
Barber v Secretary of the Environment and Horsham DC
Barclays Bank plc v Kingston
Barclays Bank plc v O'Brien
Barff v Probyn
Barker v Barker
Barker v Barker
Barker v Eynon
Barling (David W.) Ltd v Secretary of State for the Environment
Barnes v Sheffield City Council
Barnett v Covell
Barnwell v Harris
Barrett v Lounova (1982) Ltd
Barrett v Morgan
Barrett v White
Barry v Hasseldine
Barton v Morris
Barwick's Case
Bashir v Commissioner of Lands
Bass Holdings Ltd v Lewis
Batchelor v Marlow
Batchelor v Marlow & Another
Bates (Thomas) & Sons v Wyndham's (Lingerie) Ltd
Batten Pooll v Kennedy
Baxendale v Instow Parish Council
Bayliffe v Butterworth
Baynton v Morgan
Bazalgette v Lowe
Beacon Life and Fire Assurance Co v Gibb
Beanby Estates Limited v Egg Stores (Stamford Hill) Ltd
Beaufort (Duke of) v Bates
Beaulane Properties Ltd v Palmer
Beaulane Properties Ltd v Palmer
Beavers v Mason
Beck v Scholz
Beckley v Newland
Belfast Corporation v 0. D. Cars Ltd
Bell v Alfred Franks and Bartlett Co Ltd
Bell v General Accident Fire & Life Assurance Corpn Ltd
Bell v Lever Brothers, Limited
Bellcourt Estates Ltd v Adesina
Belmont Farm v Minister of Housing and Local Government
Belton v Bass, Ratcliffe & Gretton Ltd
Belvedere Court Management Ltd v Frogmore Developments Ltd
Bennett v Bennett
Bennett v Copeland Borough Council
Bennett v Wormack
Bennett, Walden & Co v Wood
Bentall, Horsley and Baldry v Vicary
Bentall, Horsley and Baldry v Vicary
Bentley Bros v Metclafe & Co
Berger v Jenkinson
Berkley v Poulett
Bernays v Prosser
Bernstein of Leigh (Baron) v Skyviews & General Ltd
Bernstein of Leigh (Baron) v Skyviews & General Ltd
Bernstein of Leigh (Baron) v Skyviews & General Ltd
Bernstein of Leigh (Baron) v Skyviews & General Ltd
Beswick v Beswick
Bettison v Langton
Bettison v Langton
Bettison v Langton
Bettisworth's Case
Bickel v Duke of Westminster
Biggs v Hoddinott
Biggs v Hoddinott
Billson v Residential Apartments Ltd
Binions v Evans
Binions v Evans
Bircham & Co Nominees (No 2) Ltd v Worrell Holdings Ltd
Bird v MGahey
Birmingham Corporation v Allen
Birmingham Corporation v West Midland Baptist (Trust) Association (Inc.)
Birmingham Corporation v West Midland Baptist (Trust) Association (Inc.)
Birmingham Midshires Mortgage Services Limited v Sabherwal
Birmingham, Dudley and District Banking Co v Ross
Bishop of Bath's Case
Bishop of Peterborough v Catesby
Blackmore v Butler
Blackpool and Fylde Aero Club Ltd v Blackpool Borough Council
Blades v Higgs
Bland v Moseley
Blankley v Godley
Blaydes v Selby
Blount v Layard
Blue Haven Enterprises Ltd v Tully
Bluestorm Ltd v Portvale Holdings Ltd
Blundell v Catterall
Blundell v Osdale Ltd
Blyth v Birmingham Waterworks Co
Bocardo SA v S and M Hotels Ltd
Bolton Corp'nv Owen
Bolton MBC v Torkington
Bolton Partners v Lambert
Bolton v Mahadeva
Boodle v Campbell
Borg v Khan
Borman v Griffith
Boroughes' Case, Boroughes v Taylor
Boscawen v Bajwa
Boss Holdings Ltd v Grosvenor West End Properties Ltd; Malett & Sons (Antiques) Ltd v Grosvenor West End Properties
Bostock v Bryant
Boswell v Crucible Steel Co
Botham v TSB Bank plc
Bourne v Norwich Crematorium Ltd
Bow's Emporium Ltd v AR Brett & Co Ltd
Bowes v Foster
Bowker v Burdekin
Bowles Case
Boyers v Duke
Boyle v Fitzsimons
BP Refinery (Westpoint) Pty Ltd v Shire of Hastings
Bracewell v Appleby
Bracey v Read
Bracey v Read
Bradford & Anor v Keith James & Ors
Bradford & Anor v Keith James & Ors
Bradford & Bingley v Rashid
Bradley v Carritt
Bradshaw v Powley
Brakespear (W.H.) & Sons v Barton
Bramwell v Bramwell
Brazil (Concrete) Ltd v Amersham RDC
Brazil (Concrete) Ltd v Amersham RDC
Breams Property Investments Co Ltd v Stroulger
Brew Brothers Ltd v Snax (Ross) Ltd
Bridge v Campbell Discount Co
Bright v Walker
Brightlife Ltd., In re
Brinkinbon Ltd v Stahag Stahl
British and Foreign Marine Insurance Co v Gaunt
British Anzani (Felixstowe) Ltd v International Marine Management (UK) Ltd
British Broadcasting Corporation v Ioannu
British Car Auctions v Wright
British Movietonenews Ltd v London and District Cinemas Ltd
British Railways Board v Glass
British Railways Board v Glass
British Railways Board v Herrington
British Railways Board v Herrington
British Railways Board v Herrington
British Russian Gazette and Trade Outlook Ltd v Associated Newspapers Ltd
British Shipbuilders v VSEL Consortium plc
British Steel Corp'n v Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Co Ltd
British Wagon Co v Lea
British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co Ltd v Underground Rys Co of London Ltd
Brogden v Directors of the Metropolitan RyCo
Brooke v Bool
Brooke v Clarke
Brooks and Burton v Secretary of State for the Environment
Broughton v Snook
Brown v Brash and Ambrose
Brown v Brashand Ambrose
Brown v Cole
Brown v Gould
Brown v Gould
Browne v Ryan
Browne v Ryan
Broxbourne BC v Secretary of State for the Environment
Brunner v Greenslade
Brunner v Greenslade
Bryanston Property Co Ltd v Edwards
Bryant v Lefever
Bryant, Powis, and Bryant, Limited v La Banque du Peuple
Buchanan v Harrison
Buchmann v May
Buckingham County Council v Callingham
Buckinghamshire County Council v Moran
Budd v Marshall
Bull v Bull
Bullen v Denning
Bullen v Denning
Bullock v Secretary of State for the Environment
Bunny Industries ltd v FSW Enterprises Pty Ltd
Burchell v Hornsby
Burdle v Secretary of State for the Environment
Burgess v Rawnsley
Burgess v Rawnsley
Burman v Mount Cook Land Ltd
Burnett v Lynch
Burt v Claude Cousins & Co Ltd
Bury v Thompson
Business Environment Bow Lane Ltd v Deanwater Estates Ltd
Bussey v Barnett
Butler and Baker's Case
Butler and Baker's Case
Butler Machine Tool Co Ltd v Ex-Cell-O Corp'n (England & Wales) Ltd
Butler v Butler
Butler v Butler
Bybrook Barn Centre Ltd v Kent County Council
Byrne & Co v Van Tienhoven & Co


C.I.R. v Muller & Co.'s Margarine, Limited
CA Webber (Transport) Limited v Railtrack PLC
Caerphilly Concrete Products Ltd v Owen
Cafeteria (Keighley) Ltd v Harrison
Calcaria Construction Co (York) Ltd v Secretary of State for the Environment
Calthorpe v McOscar
Calye's Case
Camberwell and South London Building Society v Holloway
Cambridge University (Downing College) v Cambridge City Council and Allsop
Cambridge Water Co v Eastern Leather Plc
Camden London Borough Council v Gunby
Camfield v Gilbert
Campbell v Holyland
Campden Hill Towers Ltd v Gardner
Camrose (Viscount) v Basingstoke Corporation
Cantrell v Wycombe District Council
Cardiff Rating Authority v Guest, Keen Baldwin's Iron and Steel Co Ltd
Cardshops Ltd v Davies
Cargill v Bower
Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co
Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Ball Co
Carlisle and Cumberland Banking Company v Bragg
Carr v Inland Revenue Commissioners
Carr-Saunders v Dick McNeil Associates Ltd
Carter v Boehm
Carter v Carter
Carter v Cole
Carter v Secretary of State for the Environment and Carrick DC
Cassell & Co Ltd v Broome
Cassell & Co Ltd v Broome
Castellain v Preston
Castellain v Preston
Catesby's Case
Catesby's Case
Caunce v Caunce
Caunce v Caunce
Cavalier v Pope
Cave v Horsell
Cave v Horsell
Cave v Mills
Caxton Publishing Co v Sutherland Publishing Co
Cedar Rapids Manufacturing Power Company v Lacoste
Celsteel Ltd v Alton House Holdings Ltd (No. 2)
Central Estates (Belgravia) Ltd v Woolgar (No. 2)
Central London Property Trust Ltd v High Trees House Ltd
Centrovincial Estate plc v Bulk Storage Ltd
CH Bailey v Memorial Enterprises
Chalmers v Pardoe
Chamberlain & Willows v HBS (Trust) Ltd
Chamberlain & Willows v Rose
Chamberlain v Lee
Chambers v Kingham
Channel Shipping (Newport) v Newport Borough Council
Chapelton v Barry UDC
Chappell & Co Ltd v Nestlé Co Ltd
Chappell v Gregory
Charles Richards Ltd v Oppenheimer
Charrington v Simons and Co
Chartered Trust plc v Davies
Chasemore v Richards
Chasemore v Richards
Chasemore v Richards
Chasen Ryder & Co v Hedges
Chassagnou v France
Chastey v Ackland
Chatsworth Estates Ltd v Fewell
Chaudry v Prabhakar
Chelsea Yacht & Boat Co Ltd v Pope
Chelsea Yacht & Boat Co Ltd v Pope
Chelsfield MH Investments v British Gas plc
Cheltenham and Gloucester Building Society v Norgan
Cheryl Investments Ltd v Saldanha, Royal Life Saving Society v Page
Cheryl Investments Ltd v Saldanha, Royal Life Saving Society v Page
Cheshire County Council v Woodward
Chester v Buckingham Travel
Chhokar v Chhokar
Chilton v London Corp'n
China Pacific S.A. v Food Corporation of India, The Winston
Chrisdell Ltd v Johnson
Christie Owen & Davies Ltd v Rapacioli
Christie Owen & Davies Ltd v Rapacioli
Christie Owen & Davies plc v Ryelance
Christie Owen & Davies plc v Ryelance
Christie v Ovington
Church of England & Wales Building Society v Piskor
Church v Brown
Churchill v Evans
Churchward & Blight v Ford
Churchward v Ford
Cinderella Rockerfellas v Rudd
City and Metropolitan Properties Ltd v Greycroft
City of Bradford District Council v Yorkshire Water Services Ltd
City of London Building Society v Flegg
City of London Building Society v Flegg
City of London Real Property Co Ltd v War Damage Commission
City of London v Fell
Cityland and Property (Holdings), Ltd v Dabrah
Cityland and Property (Holdings), Ltd v Dabrah
Clark v Smith (16 July 1920, unreported) quoted in Hill v Rochard
Clarke v Dickson
Clarke v Grant
Clarke v Ramuz
Clayton v Blakey
Clifton Securities v Huntley
Clothier v Snell
Clowes Developments (UK) Ltd v Walters
Clun's Case
Clun's Case
Coatsworth v Johnson
Cobb v Stokes
Cobbe v Yeoman's Row Management Limited
Cochrane v Moore
Cole v Harris
Cole v Sury
Collen v Wright
Colles v Evanson
Collett v Curling
Collings v Lee and Another
Collins v Collins
Colls v Home and Colonial Stores Ltd
Colls v Home and Colonial Stores Ltd
Colonial Sugar Refining Co Ltd v Melbourne Harbour Trust Commissioners
Combe v Combe
Commercial and Residential Property Development Co Ltd v Secretary of State
Commisioners of Customs & Excise v John Lewis Properties
Commission for the New Towns v Cooper (Great Britain) Ltd
Commissioners of Crown Lands v Page
Commissioners of Crown Lands v Page
Commissioners of Crown Lands v Page
Compton Group Ltd v Estates Gazette
Connaught Restaurants v Indoor Leisure Ltd
Conquest v Ebbetts
Constable's Case
Constable's Case
Cook v Bath Corp'n
Cook v JD Wetherspoon
Cook v Shoesmith
Cooke v Cholmondeley
Cooper v Critchley
Cooper v Critchley
Cooper v Critchley
Cooper v Straker
Co-operative Insurance Society Ltd v Argyll Stores (Holdings) Ltd
Copeland v Greenhalf
Corisand Investments Ltd v Druce and Co
Cornish v Abingdon
Cornish v Searell
Corporation of City of London v Secretary of State for the Environment
Corpus Christi College, Oxford v Gloucestershire County Council
Corpus Christi College, Oxford v Gloucestershire County Council
Corson v Rhuddlan Borough Council
Cory (William) & Sons, Ltdv City of London Corp'n
Cosser v Collinge
Cottage Holiday Associates Ltd v Customs and Excise Comrs
Cottee v Richardson
Cottrell v Watkins
Cottrill v Steyning and Littlehampton Building Society
Coulter's Case
Countess of Shrewsbury's Case
Covas v Bingham
Cox v Glue
Crabb v Arun District Council
Crabb v Arun District Council
Crago v Julian
Crago v Julian
Crancour v Da Silvaesa
Crancour v Da Silvaesa
Crane v Morris
Craven (Builders) Ltd v Secretatry of State
Crawford v Newton
Crawley v Secretary of State for the Environment
Credit Suisse v Beegas Nominees Ltd
Creska Ltd v Hammersmith & Fulham LBC
Cresswell v Potter
Crest Nicholson Residential (South) Ltd v McAllister
Cresta Holdings Ltd v Karlin
Crewe Services and Investment Corporation v Silk
Cricket Ltd v Shaftesbury
Cricklewood Property and Investment Trust Ltd v Leighton's Investment Trust Ltd
Crofts v Haldane
Cromwell Development Ltd v Godfrey
Croshaw v Pritchard
Crowborough Parish Council v Secretary of State for the Environment
Crown Estate Commissioners v Signet Group plc
Cruttwell v Lye
Cryer v Scott Brothers (Sunbury) Ltd
Cubitt v Porter
Cuckmere Brick Co Ltd v Mutual Finance Ltd
Cuckmere Brick Co Ltd v Mutual Finance Ltd
Cuddon v Tite
Cull v Backhouse
Currie v Misa
Currie v Misa
Curtis v Chemical Cleaning and Dyeing Co Ltd
Curtis v London Rent Assessment Committee
Cutter v Powell
Cutter v Powell


D & C Builders Ltdv Rees
D & F Estates Ltd v The Church Commissioners for England & Wales
Dagger v Shepherd
Dakin (H.) & Co Ltd v Lee
Dakin (H.) & Co Ltd v Lee
Dakin (H.) & Co Ltd v Lee
Dallman v King
D'Almaine v Moseley
Dalton v Angus
Dalton v Angus
Dalton v Angus
Dalton v Angus
Dalton v Angus
Dalton v Angus
Dalton v Angus
Dare v Heathcote
Dashwood v Magniac
Dashwood v Magniac
Davenport v Hammersmith & Fulham London Borough Council
Davey v Durrant
David Blackstone Ltd v Burnetts (West End) Ltd
Davies v Collins
Davies v Davies
Davies v Directloans
Davis Contractors Ltd v Fareham UDC
Davis Contractors v Fareham UDC
Davis v Gyde
Davis v Gyde
Davis v Jones
Dawkins (V.O.) v Royal Lemington Spa Corporation and Warwickshire County Council
Dayani v Bromley London Borough Council
De Busche v Alt
De Medina v Norman
de Mulder v Secretary of State for the Environment
De Nicholls v Saunders
Deacon v South-Eastern Railway Co.
Deacon v South-Eastern Railway Co.
Dean v Upton
Dear v Reeves
Dear v Reeves
Dearle v Hall
Dearle v Hall
Delaware Mansions Ltd v Westminster City Council
Dellafiora v Lester
Demetriou v Poolaction Ltd
Dendy v Evans
Dennis Reed Ltd v Goody
Department of the Environment v Allied Freehold Property Trust
Department of the Environment v Royal Insurance
Derby & Co Ltd v I.T.C. Pension Trust Ltd
Derry v Peek
Dewar v Dewar
D'Eyncourt v Gregory
Di Luca v Juraise (Springs) Ltd
Dibble v Bowater
Dimmock v Hallett
Director of Buildings and Lands v Shun Fung Ironworks Ltd
Dodd v Churton
Dodds v Acklom
Dodds v Walker
Doe d Ambler v Woodbridge
Doe d Baker v Coombes
Doe d Belasyse v Lucan
Doe d Cheny v Batten
Doe d Clements v Collins
Doe d Clements v Collins
Doe d Dymoke v Withers
Doe d Hemming v Willetts
Doe d Holland v Worsley
Doe d Patrick v Beaufort (Duke of)
Doe d Robertson v Gardiner
Doe dShore v Porter
Doe dWilson v Phillips
Doherty v Allman
Domb v Isoz
Doncaster BC v Secretary of State for the Environment
Doran v Carroll
Dowling Kerr Ltd v Scott
Downsview Nominees Ltd v First City Corp Ltd
Dowty Boulton Paul Ltd v Wolverhampton Corpn
Drebbond Ltd v HorshamDC
Dresden Estates Ltd v Collinson
Drewery v Ware-Lane
Dubai Aluminium Co Ltd v Salaam and Others
Dudley (Lord) v Dudley (Lady)
Dudley and District Benefit Building Society v Emerson
Duke of Norfolk's Case, Howard v Duke of Norfolk
Duke of Westminster v Guild
Dumpor's Case
Dungannon (Lord) v Smith
Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co Ltd v New Garage and Motor Co Ltd
Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co Ltd v Selfridge Co Ltd
Dunton Properties Ltd v Coles, Knapp & Kennedy Ltd
Durrell v Evans
Dyer v Dorset CC
Dyer v Dyer
Dyer v Dyer
Dyer v Dyer
Dyment v Boyden


E.P. Nelson & Co v Rolfe
E.R. Ives Investments Ltd v High
E.R. Ives Investments Ltd v High
E.R. Ives Investments Ltd v High
E.W.P. Ltd v Moore
E.W.P. Ltd v Moore
Eagle v Charing Cross Ry Co
Eagling v Gardner
Earl of Cadogan v Sportelli
Earl of Cadogan v Sportelli
Earl of Dunraven v Llewellyn
Earl of Normanton v Giles
East Lindsey District Council v Thompson
Easton v Alce
Eastwood v Ashton
Eastwood v Ashton
Eastwood v Kenyon
Ebbetts v Conquest
Eccles v Bryant and Pollock
Edge Hill Light Ry Co v Secretary of State for War
Edgell v Day
Edginton v Clark
Edinburgh Street Tramways Co v Lord Provost, etc. of Edinburgh
Edlington Properties Ltd v JH Fenner & Co Ltd
Edmund v Bushell and Jones
Edward Owen Ltd v Barclays Bank Ltd
Edwards v Newland &Co (E Burchett Ltd), Third Parties
Edwards v Skyways Ltd
Ee v Kakar
Egan Lawson Ltd v Standard Assurance Co
Elitestone Ltd v Morris
Elitestone Ltd v Morris
Elitestone Ltd v Morris
Elliot v Burn
Elliott v Bishop
Elliott v Bishop
Elliott v Popular Playhouse Ltd
Ellis v Goulton
Elliston v Reacher
Elmcroft Developments Ltd v Tankersley-Sawyer
Elmdene Estates Ltd v White
Elmdene Estates Ltd v White
Elmdene Estates Ltdv White
Elwes v Maw
Embrey v Owen
Englewood Properties Ltd v Patel
English China Clays v Plymouth Corp'n
English Exporters (London) Ltd v Eldonwall Ltd
English Exporters (London) Ltd v Eldonwall Ltd
Entick v Carrington
Entores Ltd v Miles Far East Corp'n
Epps v Esso Petroleum Co Ltd
Erewash Borough Council v Ilkeston Consumer Co-operative Society
Errington v Aynesley
Errington v Errington and Woods
Errington v Errington and Woods
Escalus Properties Ltd v Robinson
Espin v Pemberton
Esso Petroleum Co Ltd v Harper's Garage (Stourport) Ltd
Esso Petroleum Co Ltd v Harper's Garage (Stourport) Ltd
Esso Petroleum Co Ltd v Mardon
Etam plc v Baker Almond (a firm)
Ex parte Connolly to Sheridan and Russell
Ex parte Gilchrist
Ex parte Lewis
Eyre v New Forest Highway Board
Eyre v New Forest Highway Board


F.W. Woolworth & Co Ltd v Lambert
Fairclough v Swan Brewery Co Ltd
Fairlie v Fenton
Fairman v Perpetual Investment Building Society
Fairweather v St Marylebone Property Co Ltd
Farr Smith & Co Ltd v Messers Ltd
Faviell v Gaskoin
Fawcett Properties Ltd v Buckingham County Council
Fawcett Properties Ltd v Buckingham County Council
Fawcett Properties Ltd v Buckingham County Council
Federated Homes Ltd v Mill Lodge Properties Ltd
Feist v Societe Intercommunale Belge D'Électricité
Ferrihurst Ltd v Wallcite
Festiniog Ry Co v Central Electricity Generating Board
Fibrosa Spolka Akoyjna v Fairbairn Lawson Combe Barbour Ltd
Field v Barkworth
Fir Mill Ltd v Royton UDC and Jones (V.O.)
Firle Investments Ltd v Datapoint International Ltd
First Garden City Ltd v Letchworth Garden City Corporation
First National Securities Ltd v Hegerty
First National Securities Ltd v Hegerty
First National Securities v Jones
First Secretary of State v Arun Distirct Council
Firth v Staines
Fisher v Bell
Fisher v Dixon
Fitzgerald v Firbank
Fitzkriston LLP v Panayi
Fleming v Bank of New Zealand
Fletcher v Ashburner
Fletcher v Nokes
Flexman v Corbett
Flight v Bolland
Flight v Booth
Flint v Brandon
Floyer v Banks
Foley v Classique Coaches Ltd
Footwear Corporation Ltd v Amplight Properties Ltd
Ford v Lacy
Fordham v Christie, Manson and Woods
Formby v Barker
Forward v Pittard
Foster v Wright
Fouldes v Willoughby
Foundling Hospital Governors and Guardians v Crane
Four-Maids Ltd v Dudley Marshall (Properties) Ltd
Fowler v Hollins
Fox v Jolly
Foxtons Ltd v Thesleff
Frank Warr & Co v London County Council
Frawley (M & F) Ltd v Ve-Ri-Best Manufacturing Co Ltd
Freeman & Lockyer v Bockhurst Park Properties
Freeman d Vernon v West
Freme v Clement
French v Elliott
Friary Holroyd v Singleton
Friend v Shaw
Fry v Lane
Fry v Lane
Fuller v Happy Markets Ltd
Fuller v Happy Shopper Markets Ltd
Fullwood v Hurley


G.E. Stevens (High Wycombe), Ltd v High WycombeCorporation
Gallie v Lee
Galloway v London Corporation
Gardiner v Williamson
Gardner v Hodgsons's Kingston Brewery Co Ltd
Gardner v Ingram
Gardner v Ingram
Garrard v Frankel
Gas Light and Coke Co v Turner
Gaved v Martyn
Gedye Montrose
General Estates Co Ltd v MHLG
Ghaldan v Godin-Mendoza
Gibbs and Houlder Bros & Co Lease, In re
Gibson v Manchester City Council
Gilbert (V.O.) v Hickinbottom & Sons Ltd
Gillett v Holt
Gissing v Gissing
Gissing v Gissing
Gissing v Gissing
Gladstone v Bower
Gladstone v Bower
Glamorgan County Council v Carter
Goding v Frazer
Goldeneagle Properties Ltd v Thornbury Court Ltd
Goldsmith's Co v West Metropolitan Ry Co
Goldsmiths' Company v West Metropolitan Railway
Goodman v Harvey
Goodrich v Paisner
Goodtitle v Gibbs
Gordon v Selico
Gordon v Selico
Gott v Gandy
Gott v Gandy
Government of the State of Penang v Beng Hong Oon
Government Stock and Other Securities Investment CoLtdv Manila Ry CoLtd
Governors of the Peabody Donation Fund v Higgins
Graham & Scott (Southgate) Ltd v Oxlade
Graham and Scott (Southgate) Ltd v Oxdale
Granada Theatres v Freehold Investments (Leytonstone) Ltd
Granada Theatres v Freehold Investments (Leytonstone) Ltd
Granada Theatres v Freehold Investments (Leytonstone) Ltd
Graves v Weld
Graves v Weld
Gray v Spyer
Graysim Holdings Ltd v P&O Property Holdings Ltd
Graysim Holdings Ltd v P&O Property Holdings Ltd
Great Western Forests of Dean Collieries Co Ltd v Trafalgar Colliery Co Ltd
Great Western Ry Co v Smith
Great Yarmouth Corporation v Groom
Greatrex v Hayward
Green v Baverstock
Green v Eales
Green v King
Greenaway v Adams
Greenhalgh v British Railways Board
Greenwich Healthcare National Health Service Trust v London and Quadrant Housing Trust
Greenwood v Martins Bank Ltd
Greer v Downs
Gregg v Richards
Gregg v Wells
Grey v Pearson
Grice v Dudley
Griffith v Pelton
Griffiths v Young
Grosvenor (Lord) v Hampstead Junction Ry Co
Grosvenor Hotel Co v Hamilton
Groveside Properties Ltd v Westminster Medical School
Guildford RDC v Fortescue
Gundry v Dunham
Gurton v Parrott
Gutteridge v Munyard


Hackney Borough Council v Dore
Hadley v Baxendale
Hadley v Baxendale
Haffner v Cordingly
Hagee (London) Ltd v A.B. Erikson and Larson
Haines v Welch
Halford v Brooks
Halifax Building Society v Keighley
Halifax Building Society v Thomas
Hall v Warren
Halsall v Brizell
Hamer v Sharp
Hammerton v Honey
Hammonds v Barclay
Hampshire County Council v Milburn
Hampshire v Wickens
Hampshire v Wickens
Hampstead Way Investments Ltd v Lewis-Weare
Hampton and Sons, Ltd v George
Hancock and Wills (a firm) v GMS Syndicate Ltd
Hancock v B. W. Brazier (Anerley) Ltd
Hanson v Newman
Hanson v Newman
Harbert's Case
Hare v Nicoll
Harington v Hoggart
Harley Queen v Forsyte Kerman
Harmer v Jumbil (Nigeria) Tin Areas Ltd
Harold Wood Brick Co v Ferris
Harper v Aplin
Harris v De Pinna
Harris v Flower
Harris v Nickerson
Harrison & Hetherington Ltd v Cumbria County Council
Harrods v Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions
Hart v Windsor
Hartley v Minister of Housing and Local Government
Harvey v Crawley Development Corporation
Haskell v Marlow
Hatfield v Moss
Hawkesbrook Leisure Ltd v The Reece-Jones Partnership
Hayne v Cummings
Haynes v Ford
Haynes v Harwood
Haynes v Vaughan
Haywood v Brunswick Permanent Benefit Building Society
Heath v Milward
Heaven v Pender
Heaven v Pender
Hedley Byrne and Co Ltd v Heller & Partners Ltd
Heffer v Martyn
Hely-Hutchinson v Brayhead Ltd
Hely-Hutchinson v Brayhead Ltd
Henderson v Arthur
Henderson v Easton
Henniker (Doe d) v Watt
Henniker (Doe d) v Watt
Henry Boot Construction Ltd. v Alstom Construction Ltd.
Henry Boot v Alstom
Henthorn v Fraser
Heron Corporation Ltd v Manchester City Council
Hesketh v Willis Cruisers Ltd
Heslop v Burns
Heyman v Darwins Ltd
Hidderley v Warwick County Council
Hiern v Mill
Hiern v Mill
Highland & Universal Properties v Safeway Properties
Hill v Barclay
Hill v Booth
Hill v Debenham, Tewson & Chinnocks
Hill v Harris
Hill v Harris
Hill v Hasier
Hill v Rochard
Hillingdon Estates Co v Stonefield Estate
Hilton v Plustitle Ltd
Hindcastle v Barbara Attenborough Associates Ltd
Hobbs v Midland Ry Co
Hoddell v Smith
Hodges & Sons (G. T.) v Hackbridge Park Residential Hotel Ltd
Hodgkinson v Crowe
Hodgson v Marks
Hoenig v Isaacs
Hoenig v Isaacs
Hoggan v Esquimalt & Nanaimo Ry Co
Holbeck Hall Hotel Ltd v Scarborough Council
Holden v White
Holding & Barnes plc v Secretary of State for the Environment Transport and the Regions
Holding Management Ltd v Property Holdings plc
Holland v Hodgson
Holles v Wyse
Homes Ltd v Robinson
Hong Kong Fir Shipping Co v Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha
Honywood v Honywood
Hooper v Ramsbottom
Hopper v Liverpool Corp'n
Horn v Sunderland Corporation
Horn v Sunderland Corporation
Horn v SunderlandCorporation
Horsey Estates Ltd v Steiger
Household Fire & Accident Insurance Co v Grant
Hoveringham Gravels Ltd v Chiltern DC
Howard v Earl of Digby
Howe v Smith
Howe v Smith
Howell v Richards
Howell v Richards
Howkins v Jardine
HSBC Bank plc v Liberty Mutual Insurance Company (UK) Ltd
Hua Chiao Commercial Bank Ltd v Chiaphua Industries Ltd
Hudson v Temple
Hughes v Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council
Hughes v Metropolitan Ry Co
Hughes v Pump House Hotel Co
Hughes v Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions
Hughes v Young
Hull and Humber Investment Co v Hull Corporation
Humble v Hunter
Hunt v Luck
Hunter v Canary Wharf Ltd
Hunter v Canary Wharf Ltd
Hyatt v Griffiths
Hyde v Wrench
Hyundai Shipping & Heavy Industries Co Ltd v Papadopoulos


Ibrahim v Roversions Ltd
IDCGroup Ltd v Clark
Illingworth v Houldsworth
Imperial College of Science and Technology v Ebdon
In re Scott & Alvarez's Contract, Scott v Alvarez
In re Southern Rhodesia
Indermaur v Dames
Industrial Properties (Barton Hill) Ltd v Associated Electrical Industries Ltd
Industrial Properties (Barton Hill) Ltd v Associated Electrical IndustriesLtd
Inland Revenue Commissioners v Buchanan
Inland Revenue Commissioners v Clay and Buchanan
Inland Revenue Commissioners v Clay and Buchanan
Inland Revenue Commissioners v Clay and Buchanan
Inland Revenue Commissioners v Gribble
Inland Revenue Commissioners v Maxse
Inland Revenue Commissioners v Maxse
Inner London Education Authority v ??
International Drilling Fluids Ltd v Louisville Investments (Uxbridge) Ltd
International Drilling Fluids Ltd v Louisville Investments (Uxbridge) Ltd
International Traders Ferry Ltd v Adur District Council
International Traders Ferry Ltd v Adur District Council
Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v West Bromwich Building Society
Investors Compensation Scheme Ltd v West Bromwich Building Society
Inwards v Baker
Iqbal v Thakrar
Irani Finance Ltd v Singh
IRC v Bullock
Iron Co v Dodson
Irvine v Moran
Island of Palmas Case (US v The Netherlands)


J. A. Pye (Oxford) Ltd v Graham
J. A. Pye (Oxford) Ltd v Graham
J. A. Pye (Oxford) Ltd v Kingswood Borough Council
Jackson v Mulvaney
Jacobs v Batavia and General Plantations Trust
Jacobs v Revell
Jaggard v Sawyer
James v Heim Gallery (London) Ltd
James v James
James v James
James v Smith (1921)
James v United Kingdom
Jarvis & Sons Ltd v Westminster City Corporation
Jarvis Interiors ltd v Galliard Homes Ltd
Javad v Aqil
Jeakes v White
Jenkin R Lewis & Sons Ltd v Kerman
Jenkins v Jackson
Jennings v Broughton
Jeune v Queens Cross Properties Ltd
Jeune v Ward
John Laing Construction v Amber Pass
Johnson v Agnew
Johnson v Agnew
Johnson v Humphrey
Johnston & Sons Ltd v Holland
Johnston v Duke of Westminster
Joint London Holding Ltd v Mount Cook Ltd
Jolley v Sutton London Borough Council
Jones v Green
Jones v Jones
Jones v Lavington
Jones v Lowe
Jones v Manchester Passenger Transport Executive
Jones v Morgan
Jones v Price
Jordeson v Sutton Southcoates and Drypool Gas Company
Joyce v Rigolli
Joyner v Weeks


Kammins Ballrooms Co Ltd v Zenith Investments (Torquay) Ltd
Kaye v Massbetter Ltd
Keen v Mear
Keeves v Dean
Keighley, Maxsted and Co v Durant
Keighley, Maxsted and Co v Durant
Kelley v Battershell
Kelly v Rodgers
Kelsen v Imperial Tobacco Co Ltd
Kelsen v Imperial Tobacco Co Ltd
Kemp v Ballachulish Estate Co Ltd
Kendal v Micfield
Kendall v Hamilton
Kenney v Wexham
Kenny v Preen
Kenny v Preen
Kent County Council v Secretary of State for the Environment and Canterbury City Council
Kenyon Stevenson v Kenyon
Keppel v Wheeler
Keppel v Wheeler
Keppel v Wheeler
Keppell v Bailey
Keppell v Bailey
Kerkslake v White
Kilmartin SCI (Hulton House) Ltd v Safeway Stores plc
King v Travellers' Insurance Association Ltd
King v Wilson
King's Motors (Oxford) Ltd v Lax
King's Motors (Oxford) Ltd v Lax
Kingsbury v Collins & Elmes
Kingsnorth Finance Co Ltd v Tizard
Kingsnorth Finance Co Ltd v Tizard
Kingston v Ambrian Investment Co
Kingston-upon-Hull Corporation v Clayton
Kleinwort Benson Ltd v Malaysia Mining Corp
Kling v Keston Properties Ltd
Kling v Keston Properties Ltd
Knight Sugar Co Ltdv Alberta Ry and Irrigation Co
Knightsbridge Estates Trust Ltd v Byrne
Knightsbridge Estates Trust Ltd v Byrne
Knightsbridge Estates Trust Ltd v Byrne
Koufos v Czarnikow, The Heron II
Kreglinger v New Patagonia Meat and Cold Storage Co Ltd
Kreglinger v New Patagonia Meat and Cold Storage Co Ltd
Krell v Henry
Kruse v Johnson
Kurtz and Co v Spence and Sons


This list of cases is extracted from the Encyclopedia of Real Estate Terms
which is available in hardback, as well as ONLINE

© 2000-2025 Delta Alpha Publishing

Lace v Chandler
Ladies Hosiery and Underwear v Parker
Ladyman v Wirral Estates Ltd
Laing (John) and Sons Ltd v Assessment Committee for Kingswood Assessment Area
Laiqat v Majid
Lake v Bayliss
Lake v Bennet
Lake v Craddock
Lake v Craddock
Lake v Dean
Lake v Dean
Lakeman v Mountstephen
Lamb v Boyden
Lambe v Secretary of State for War
Lambe v Secretary of State for War
Lampleigh v Braithwait
Lampson v City of Quebec
Land Reclamation Co Ltd v Basildon DC
Land Reclamation Co Ltd v Basildon DC
Landeau v Marchbank
Lane (W. J.) v Spratt
Langford Property CoLtd v Tureman
Langham House Developments Ltd v Brompton Securities Ltd
Lanoy v Athol
Lanphier v Phipos
Latham v Johnson (Richard) and Nephew Ltd
Latimer v Garney
Law v Jones
Law v Redditch Local Board
Lawton v Lawton
Leakey v National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or National Beauty
Leakey v National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or National Beauty
Leakey v National Trust for Places of Historic Interest or National Beauty
Lebeaupin v Richard Crispin & Co
Lee v Barrey
Lee v Ministry of Transport
Lee-Parker v Izzet
Lee-Parker v Izzet (No. 2)
Lee-Parker v Izzet (No. 2)
Lee-Verhulst (Investments) Ltd v Harwood Trust
Lee-Verhulst (Investments) Ltd v Harwood Trust
Leicester (Earl of) v Wells-next-the-Sea UDC
Leicester City Council v Leicestershire County Council
Leigh v Dickeson
Lemmon v Webb
Lemmon v Webb
Lemon v Lardeur
Lennon v Napper
Leschallas v Woolf
Lever Brothers, Limited v Bell
Lewin v End
Lewis (Jenkin R) & Sons Ltd v Kerman
Lewis Bowles Case
Lewis v Baker
Lewis v Mid Glamorgan CC
Lewis v South Western Ry
Lewis v Stephenson
Lewis v Weldcrest
Lewis v Weldcrest
Liford's Case
Liggins v Inge
Lim Teng Huan v Ang Swee Chuan
Linden Gardens Trust Ltd v Lenesta Sludge Disposals Ltd
Lindenau v Desborough
Lindsay Petroleum Co v Hurd
Line v Stephenson
Lister v Lane and Nesham
Lister v Pickford
Littlewood etc. Stores v I.R.C
Littlewoods Mail Order Stores Ltd v Inland Revenue Cmrs
Liverpool City Council v Irwin
Liverpool City Council v Irwin
Liverpool City Council v Irwin
Llewellyn v Earl of Jersey
Lloyd v Banks
Lloyd v Grace, Smith & Co
Lloyd v Jones
Lloyd v Nowell
Lloyd v Sadler
Lloyd v Stanbury
Lloyd v Sutcliffe
Lloyds Bank Ltd v Bundy
Lloyds Bank plc v Hawkins
Lloyds Bank plc v Rosset
Lloyds Bank plc v Rosset
Lock v Bell
Lockhart v Hardy
Lockwood v Wood
London & Blenheim Estates Ltd v Ladbroke Retail Parkes Ltd
London & Blenheim Estates Ltd v Ladbroke Retail Parkes Ltd
London (City of) v Greyme
London (City of) v Nash
London and Cheshire Insurance Co Ltd v Laplagrene Property Co Ltd
London and Cheshire Insurance Co Ltd v Laplagrene Property Co Ltd
London and County (A. & D.) Ltd v Wilfred SportsmanLtd
London and Harrogate Securities Ltd v Pitts [
London Corporation v Riggs
London County Council v Allen
London County Council v Marks and Spencer
London Regional Transport v Imperial Group Pension Trust Ltd
Longbottom v Berry
Longman v Viscount Chelsea
Lord Chichester v Coventry
Lord v Colvin
Lory v London Borough of Brent
Lory v London Borough of Brent
Lott v Outhwaite
Lotus Ltd v British Soda Co Ltd
Lovell and Christmas Ltd v Wall
Lowe (Inspector of Taxes) v J.W. Ashmore Ltd
Lowe v Mack
Lower v Sorrell
Lucena v Craufurd
Lucena v Craufurd
Luganda v Service Hotels Ltd
Luganda v Service Hotels Ltd
Luganda v Service Hotels Ltd
Lurcott v Wakeley
Luxor (Eastbourne) Ltd v Cooper
Luxor (Eastbourne) Ltd v Cooper
Luxor (Eastbourne) Ltd v Cooper
Luxor (Eastbourne) Ltd v Cooper obiter
Luxor(Eastbourne) Ltdv Cooper
Lynall v IRC
Lynch v Dalzell
Lynch v Thorne
Lyon v Fishmongers' Co
Lyon v Greenhow
Lyon v Reed
Lysaght v Edwards
Lysaght v Edwards
Lyus v Prowsa Developments Ltd


M.E.P.C. Ltd. v. Christian-Edwards
M'Alister (Donaghue) v Stevenson
M'Alister (Donaghue) v Stevenson
Mackenzie v Duke of Devonshire
Mackworth v Hellard
Maddison v Alderson
Madrassa Anjuman Islamia of Kholwad v Municipal Council of Johannesburg
Majorstake Ltd v Curtis
Majorstake Ltd v Curtis
Malayan Credit Ltd v Jack Chia-MPH Ltd
Malcomson v O'Dea
Malekshad v Howard de Walden Estates Ltd
Mallick v Liverpool City Council
Manchester Corporation v The Countess Ossalinsky
Manchester Diocesan Council for Education v Commercial and General Investments Ltd
Manchester Ship Canal Co v Manchester Racecourse Co
Manchester, Sheffield and Lincolnshire Ry v Anderson
Manjang v Drammeh
Mannai Investment Co v Eagle Star Life Insurance Co
Mannai Investment Co. Ltd. v Eagle Star Life Asssurance Co. Ltd.
Mansi v Elstree RDC
Marchant v Chartes
Marchant v Chartes
Marchday Group plc v British Telecommunications plc
Marchday Group plc v British Telecommunications plc
Marcroft Wagons Ltd v Smith
Maredelanto Camania Naviera SA v Bergbau-Handel Gmbh, The Mihalis Angelos
Mareva Compania Naviera SA of Panama v International Bulk Carriers SA
Markham v Paget
Marks and Spencer Ltd v Chandler (V.O.)
Marks and Spencer v Collier (V.O.)
Marks v Board
Marks v Warren
Marks v Warren
Marlborough Park Services Ltd v Rowe
Marquess of Devonshire v O'Brien
Marsden v Edward Heyes Ltd
Marsden v Edward Heyes, Ltd
Marsden v Edward Heyes, Ltd
Marsh Ltd v Cooper
Marsh v Curteys
Marsh, Ltd v Cooper
Marshall v Green
Martin Grant & Co Ltd v Sir Lindsay Parkinson & Co Ltd
Martyn v Clue
Martyn v Williams
Mary Portington's Case
Mary Portington's Case
Maryland Estates v Abbathure Flat Management Co Ltd
Maryland Estates v Joseph
Mason v Armitage
Mason v Clarke
Mason v Hill
Mason v Totalfinaelf UK Ltd
Mason v Totalfinelf UK Ltd
Masters and Great Western Railway Co, Re
Matos e Silva, LDA and others v Portugal
Matsoukis v Priestman & Co
Mattey Securities Ltd v Ervin
Matthews v Goodday
Matthews v Smallwood
Matthews v Smallwood
Matthey v Curling
Maunsell v Olins
May and Butcher Ltd v R
Mayflower Cambridge Ltd v Secretary of State for the Environment
Mayho v Buckhurst
Mayor, etc. of Southend-on-Sea v White
McAusley v Bristol City Council
McCall v Abelesz
McCallum v Hicks
McCann & Co (John) v Pow
McCarthy v Metropolitan Board of Works
McCartney v Londonderry and Lough Swilly Ry Co
McCausland v Duncan Lawrie
McClinton v McFall
McCombie v Grand Junction Co Ltd
McDermott v Department of Transport
McDonald v Fernandez
McDonald's Property Co Ltd v HSBC Bank plc
McEllistrim v Ballymacelligott Co-operative Agricultural and Dairy Society
McEllistrim v Ballymacelligott Co-operative Agricultural and Dairy Society
McIlkenny v Chief Constable of the West Midlands
McInnes v Clarke
McKenzie v McKenzie
McManus v Cooke
McManus v Fortescue
McNerny v Lambeth London Borough Council
McPhail v persons, names unknown, Bristol Corporation v Ross and another
McPhail v Philips
Medford v Blake
Medforth v Blake
Medforth v Blake
Mellor v Walmesley
Mellor v Watkins
MEPC Ltd v Christian Edwards
Mercantile Marine Insurance Co v Titherington
Mercer v Denne
Mercer v Liverpool, St Helens and South Lancashire Rail Co
Mercury Communications Ltd v Director General of Telecommunications
Mersey Docks and Harbour Board v Liverpool Overseers
Mersey Docks and Harbour Board v Proctor
Methuen-Campbell v Walters
Metropolitan Board of Works v McCarthy
Metropolitan Property Holdings v Finegold
Metropolitan Water Board v Paine
Meux v Cobley
Meux v Cobley
Michael v Miller
Michell v Michell
Micklethwait v Micklethwait
Micklethwait v Newlay Bridge Co
Midland Bank Ltd v Farmpride Hatcheries Ltd
Midland Bank Trust Co Ltd v Green
Midland Bank Trust Co Ltd v Green
Midland Bank Trust Co Ltd v Green
Midland Bank Trust Co Ltd v Green
Midland Railway Co v Checkley
Midland Ry Co v Haunchwood Brick and Tile Co
Migotti v Colvill
Mikeover Ltd v Brady
Miller and Aldworth v Sharp
Miller v Cannon Hill Estates Ltd
Miller v Jackson
Miller v Race
Millman v Ellis
Mills v Brooker
Milman v Lane
Milmo v Carreras
Milmo v Carreras
Milmo v Carreras
Minister for Public Works v Thistlethwayte
Ministry of Transport v Lee
Mint v Good
Mirvahedy v Henley
Mitchell v Mosley
mith v Hughes
mith v Marrable
Mixnam's Properties v Chertsey UDC
Mixnam's Properties v Chertsey UDC
Moffatt v Kazana
Moir v Williams
Monomart (Warehouses) Ltd v Secretary of State for the Environment
Monson (Lord) v Bound
Montague v Browning
Moore and Co v Landauer and Co
Moore v Bennett
Moore v Rawson
Moorhouse v Colvin
Morcom v Campbell-Johnson
Morcom v Campbell-Johnson
Moresk Cleaners Ltd v Hicks
Morgan v Davies
Morgan v Jones
Morgan v Liverpool Corporation
Morgan v Swansea Urban Sanitary Authority
Morrison Holdings v Manders Property (Wolverhampton) Ltd
Morton v Copeland
Morton v Copeland
Moschi v Lep Air Services Ltd
Moses v Macferlan
Moss v Hancock
Moss v Hancock
Mote v Gould
Mount Carmel Investments v Peter Thurlow Ltd
Mountford v Scott
Mountford v Scott
Mountview Estates Ltd v London Borough of Enfield
Muldoon v Mays of Lilliput Ltd
Mullens v Miller
Multiservice Bookbinders Ltd v Marden
Multiservice Bookbinding Ltd v Marden
Murdoch Lownie Ltd v Newman
Murrayfield Real Estate Co v Edinburgh Magistrates
Muscat v Smith
Mustafa v Baptist Union Corporation Ltd


Nash v Eads
National Association of Local Government Officers v Bolton Corporation
National Bank of Greece SA v Pinios Shipping Co
National Car Parks v The Trinity Development Company (Banbury) Limited
National Carriers Ltd v Panalpina (Northern) Ltd
National Carriers Ltd v Panalpina Ltd
National Electric Theatres v Hudgell
National Provincial Bank Ltd v Hastings Car Mart Ltd
National Provincial Bank v Ainsworth Ltd
National Westminster Bank Ltd v Hart
National Westminster Bank plc v Morgan
NCR Ltd v Riverland Portfolio No 1 Ltd
NCR v Riverland Portfolio No 1 Ltd (No 2)
NCR v Riverland Portfolio No 1 Ltd (No 2)
Neale v Del Soto
Nelson Developments v Taboada
New Windsor Corp'n v Mellor
New Zealand Government Property Corporation v H M and S Ltd
New Zealand Government Property Corporation v H M and S Ltd
Newbury DC v Secretary of State for the Environment
Newbury DC v Secretary of State for the Environment
Newcastle City Council v Royal Newcastle Hospital
Newcastle City Council v Royal Newcastle Hospital
Newham LBC v Hawkins
Newham LBC v Hawkins
Newlon Housing Trust v Alsulaimen
Newman v Bennett
Newman v Dorrington Developments Ltd
Newman v Lawson
Newman v Real Estate Debenture Corp'n Ltd
Newman v Rogers
Newman v Slade
News Group Newspapers Ltd v SOGAT'82
Nicholson v Chapman
Nickerson v Barraclough
Nickerson v Barraclough
Noakes & Co Ltd v Rice
Noakes & Co Ltd v Rice
Noakes & CoLtdv Rice
Nocton v Lord Ashburton
Nonentities Society Trustees v Kidderminster Borough Council
North Shore Rly Co v Pion
North Staffordshire Railway Co v Lawton
North West Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board v T A Bickerton & Son Ltd
Northland Airliners v Dennis Ferranti Meters
Northumberland v A-G
Norwich Union Life Insurance Society v Shopmoor Ltd
Nugent v Smith


O'Brien v Robinson
O'Connor and others v Old Etonian Housing Association Ltd
O'May v City of London Real Property Co Ltd
O'May v City of London Real Property Co Ltd
Oakden v Pike
Ocean Estates Ltd v Pinder
Oceanseas Tankship (UK) Ltd v Morts Dock & Engineering Co Ltd
odgson v Marks
Ogilvie v Foljambe
Old Gate Estates Ltd v Toplis
Oldfield (or Bowles) v Round
Olivant v Wright
Olivant v Wright
Oliver v Nautilus Steam Shipping Co
Oppenheimer v Minister of Transport
Oppenheimer v Minister of Transport
Orakpo v Manson Investments Ltd
Orman Bros v Greenbaum
Oscar Chess, Ltd v Williams
Osman v J Ralph Moss Ltd
Otter v Norman
Owen v Gadd
Oxley v Hiscock


Page v More
Paine v Cork Co
Paine v Meller
Paine v Meller
Paine v Meller
Palacath v Flanagan
Palk v Mortgage Services Funding plc
Palmer v Johnson
Palmer v McNamara
Palser v Grinling
Palser v Grinling
Panayi v Secretary of State for the Environment
Paradine v Jane
Parente v Bayville Marine Inc., etc.
Parker v Camden LBC
Parker v Flint
Parker v McKenna
Parker v Webb
Parkes v Secretary of State
Parkes v Secretary of State for the Environment
Parkes v Secretary of State for the Environment
Parkus v Greenwood
Parris v Williams
Parsons v Trustees of Henry Smith's Charity
Pascoe v Turner
Patel v Hooper & Jackson
Payne v Cardiff RDC
Payne v Cave
Payne v Cave
Payne v Cave
Payne v Inwood
Peacock v Custins
Peacock v Freeman
Peardon v Underhill
Pearks v Moseley
Pearson v Dublin Corporation
Pearson v IRC
Pearson v IRC
Pearson v IRC
Pearson v IRC
Peckham v Ellison
Pembery v Lamdin
Pembery v Lamdin
Peninsular Maritime Ltd v Padseal Ltd
Pennine Raceway Ltd v Kirklees Metropolitan Council
Penton v Barnett
Penton v Roberts
Percival Ltd v LCC Asylums and Mental Deficiency Committee
Percy Bilton Ltd v Greater London Council
Performing Rights Society Ltd v Mitchell and Booker (Palais de Danse), Ltd
Perkins v West Wiltshire DC
Perrin v Northampton Borough Council
Perry v Clissold
Perry v Davis
Perry v Sidney Phillips & Son
Petre v Petre
Petticoat Lane Rentals Ltd v Secretary of State
Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v Boots Cash Chemists (Southern) Ltd
Phelps v City of London Corporation
Phene v Popplewell
Philips Electronic Grand Public SA v British Sky Broadcasting Ltd
Philips v Mobil Oil Co Ltd
Phillips v Beal
Phillips v Phillips
Phipps v Boardman
Phipps v Boardman
Phipps v Pears
Phipps v Pears
Phipps v Pears
Phipps v Pears
Photo Production Ltd v Securicor Transport Ltd
Photo Production Ltd v Securicor Transport Ltd
Pickering v Busk
Pilcher v Rawlins
Pilcher v Rawlins
Pimms Ltd v Tallow Chandler Company
Pinnel's Case
Pinner v Everett
Pioneer Aggregates (UK) Ltd v Secretary of State for the Environment
Pitcher v Tovey
Pitt v PHH Asset Management Ltd
Pitt v PHH Asset Management Ltd
Planché v Colburn
Pledge v White
Plough Investments Ltd v Manchester City Council
Pointe Gourde Quarrying and Transport Co Ltd v Sub-Intendent of Crown Lands
Pointe Gourde Transport and Quarrying Co Ltd v Sub-Intendent of Crown Lands
Pointon York Group plc v Poulton
Pointon York Group plc v Poulton
Poland v Earl of Cadogan and Another
Pole v Leask
Pollard v Gare
Pomfret v Ricroft
Ponsford v HMS Aerosols Ltd
Poole's Case
Poole's Case
Port of London v Orsett Union Assessment Committee
Port v Griffiths
Portsmouth Roman Catholic Diocesan Trustees v Hampshire County Council
Posner v Scott-Lewis
Post Office v Aquarius Properties Ltd
Post Office v Aquarius Properties Ltd
Powell v McFarlane
Powell v McFarlane
Powys v Blagrave
Prasad v Wolverhampton Borough Council
Prasad v Wolverhampton Borough Council
Precious v Reedie
Prest v Secretary of State for Wales
Price v West London Investment Building Society
Prickett v Badger
Pritchard v Briggs
Pritchard v Briggs
Propert v Parker
Property and Bloodstock Ltd v Emerton
Property Holding and Investment Trusty v London Rent Assessment Board (or Lewis)
Proudfoot v Hart
Proudfoot v Hart
Proudfoot v Hart
Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v London Residuary Body
Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v London Residuary Body
Prudential Assurance Co Ltd v Waterloo Real Estate Inc
Pugh v Arton
Pugh v Duke of Leeds
Pugh v Duke of Leeds
Pumpernicks of Piccadilly Ltd v Land Securities Ltd
Purefoy v Rogers
Pwllbach Colliery Co Ltd v Woodman
Pwllbach Colliery Co Ltd v Woodman
Pyrke v Waddingham
Pyx Granite Co Ltd v Ministry of Housing and Local Government
Pyx Granite Co Ltd v Ministry of Housing and Local Government
Pyx Granite Co Ltd v Ministry of Housing and Local Government
Queen's Club Gardens Estates Ltd v Bignell
Quennell v Maltby
Quick v Taff-Ely Borough Council


R (on the application of Alconbury Developments Limited) v Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions
R (on the application of Alconbury Developments Limited) v Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions
R (on the application of Alconbury Developments Limited) v Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions
R (on the Application of James Powell) v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council
R (on the Application of James Powell) v Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government and Sefton Metropolitan Borough Council
R v Architects' Registration Tribunal, ex parte Jaggar
R v Arkwright
R v Barnsley Metropolitan BC, ex p Hook
R v Bethnal Green and Paddington Rent Tribunals, ex parte Rowton Houses Ltd
R v Boyesen
R v Brettell
R v Burke
R v Corby DC, ex parte McLean
R v Ditcheat
R v Dyer
R v Harfield
R v Hendon RDC, ex parte Chorley
R v Hillingdon LBC, ex parte Royco Homes Ltd
R v Hinks
R v IRC, Re Nathan
R v Jones, R v Smith
R v Langford
R v Lewis
R v London Borough of Camden, ex parte Bellamy
R v London School Board
R v Minister of Housing and Local Government, ex parte Chichester RDC
R v Morton
R v Oxfordshire County Council, ex parte Sunningwell
R v Paddington (V.O.), ex parte Peachey Property Corp'n Ltd
R v Paddington (V.O.), ex parte Peachey Property Corp'n Ltd
R v Paulson
R v Rent Officer of the Nottinghamshire Registration Area, ex parte Allen
R v Rochdale Metropolitan Borough Council, ex parte Milne
R v Saintiff
R v Secretary of State for the Environment, ex p Billson
R v Silverlock
R v South Middlesex Rent Tribunal, ex parte Beswick
R v St Pancras Assessment Committee
R v St Pancras Assessment Committee
R v Tower Hamlets LBC, ex parte Subhan (Abdul)
R v West Oxfordshire DC, ex parte Pearce Homes Ltd
R v Westbrook, R v Everist
R v Wicks
R v Williams
R v Yeovil Borough Council, ex parte Trustees of Elim Pentecostal Church
Race v Ward
Rainbow Estates Ltd v Tokenhold Ltd
Raineri v Miles
Raineri v Miles
Rains v Buxton
Rama Corp'n v Proved Tin and General Investments Ltd
Ramsden v Dyson
Ramsden v Dyson
Ramsden v Dyson and Thornton
Ramsey v Blair
Ratcliffe v McConnell
Ratners (Jewelers) Ltdv Lemnoll Ltd
Ravenseft Properties Ltd v Davstone (Holdings) Ltd
Ravenseft Properties Ltd v Hillingdon LBC
Ravenseft Properties Ltd v Hillingdon LBC
Ravenseft Properties Ltd v Newham LBC
Rawlence v CroydonCorporation
Rawlings v General Trading Co
Rawlinson v Ames
Ray v Fairway Motors (Barnstable) Ltd
RB Policies at Lloyd's v Butler
Re 1-4 White Row Cottages Bewerley
Re 88 Berkeley Road, London NW9
Re Arnold
Re Barnes's Will Trusts, Prior v Barnes
Re Beddoe, Downes v Cottam
Re Bradford City Premises
Re Bruce Halsey and Bruce
Re Casey's Patents, Stewart v Casey
Re Couston, ex parte Watkins
Re Crispin's Will Trusts
Re Daintrey, ex parte Holt
Re Dance's Way
Re Darnley's Will Trusts
Re Davies
Re Davis, ex parte Rawlings
Re Douglas's Will Trusts, Lloyd's Bank v Nelson
Re Doyle and O'Hara Contract
Re Draper's Conveyance
Re Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England & Wales's Conveyance
Re Ellenborough Park
Re Ellis and Ruislip-Northwood UDC
Re Guyton and Rosenberg's Contract
Re Harker's Will Trusts
Re Harker's Will Trusts
Re Harrison's Trusts, Harrison v Harrison
Re Hector Whaling Ltd
Re Holliday
Re Hollis' Hospital Trustees and Hague's Contract
Re Hoyle
Re Hull and Selby Ry Co
Re Hunter's Lease, Giles v Hutchings
Re Jones
Re King
Re Leach
Re Leeds and Batley Breweries Ltd v Bradbury's Lease
Re Lees, ex parte Collins
Re Leveson-Gower's Settled Estate
Re Longlands Farm, Long Common, Botley, Hants, Alford v Superior Developments Ltd
Re Lucas and Chesterfield Gas and Water Board
Re Macgowan, Macgowan v Murray
Re Martin's Application
Re Mayo
Re Mellor
Re National Savings Bank Association
Re Niyazi's Will Trusts
Re Ogle's Settled Estate
Re Ogle's Settled Estate
Re Palmiero: debtor 3666 of 1999
Re Polemis and Furness, Withy and Co
Re Puckett and Smith's Contract
Re Ray
Re Richmond Borough Justices
Re Russ and Brown's Contract
Re Sandbach
Re Sandilands
Re Spollon and Long's Contract
Re Stanley, Stanley v Tenant
Re Strand and Savoy Properties Ltd
Re Tamplin and Son, ex parte Barnett
Re The Duty on the Estate of the Incorporated Council of Law Reporting for England & Wales
Re Thompson and Cottrell's Contract
Re Webb's Lease
Re Wells (Sir Thomas Spencer)
Re Wembley Park Estate Co Ltd's Transfer
Re Weston and Thomas' Contract
Re Whaley, Whaley v Roehrich
Re White Rose Cottage
Re Windle
Re Y
Re Yates
Reading v A-G
Record v Bell
ReDolphin's Conveyance
Redspring v Francis
ReDummelow, ex parte Ruffle
ReEllenborough Park
Rees v Skerrett
Reeve v Hartlepool BC
Reeve v Lisle
Reeve v Lisle
Reeve v Lisle
Regan v Paul Properties DPF No 1 Ltd
Regan v Paul Properties DPF No 1 Ltd
Regent Oil Co v J.A. Gregory (Hatch End) Ltd
Regent Oil Co v J.A. Gregory (Hatch End) Ltd
Regent Oil Co v J.A. Gregory (Hatch End) Ltd
Regis Property Co v Dudley
Regus (UK) Limited v Epcot Solutions Limited
Reid v Bickerstaff
Reniger v Fogassa
Republic of India v India Steamship Co Ltd (No 2)
Reynolds v Ashby & Sons
Rhodes v Macalister
Rhone v Stephens
Rhone v Stephens
Rice v Rice
Richards v Rose
Riches v Westminster Bank Ltd
Ridgen v Vallier
Ridley v Oster
Rigby v Connol
Right d Flower v Darby and Bristow
Right d Flower v Darby and Bristow
Rimmer v Knowles
Rimmer v Liverpool City Council
Riverside Housing Association Ltd v White
Robert Addie & Sons (Collieries) Ltd v Dumbreck
Roberts (A) and Co v Leicestershire County Council
Roberts v Church Commissioners for England & Wales [1972] 1 QB 278 (CA)
Roberts v J Hampson & Co
Robertson v French
Robinson Brothers (Brewers) Ltd v Houghton and Chester le Street Assessment Committee
Robinson v Harman
Robinson v Jenkins
Robinson v Wall
Rochester (Dean and Chapter) v Pierce
Roddy v Fitzgerald
Rodway v Landy
Rogers v Hosegood
Rogers v Islington London Borough Council
Rogers v Kingston-upon-Hull Dock Co
Roland House Gardens Ltd v Cravitz
Rolfe v Peterson
Rolls v Miller
Romulus Trading Co Ltd v Comet Properties Ltd
Rondel v Worsley
Ropaigealach v Barclays Bank plc
Ropaigealach v Barclays Bank plc
Roscorla v Thomas
Rose v Spice
Rosenbaum v Belson
row v Ind Coope (West Midlands) Ltd
Rowles v Mason
Royal Bank of Scotland plc v Etridge (No. 2)
Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors v Shepherd
Rozanes v Bowen
Rush and Tompkins v Greater London Council
Russel v Russel
Rust v Goodale
Ryan v Mutual Tontine Westminster Chambers Association
Ryan v Thomas
Rye v Rye
Rylands v Fletcher


Salt v Marquess of Northampton
Sampson v Hodson-Pressinger
Samuel v Jarrah Timber and Wood Paving Corp'n Ltd
Samuel v Jarrah Timber and Wood Paving Corp'n Ltd
Sanders v Anglia Building Society
Sanderson v Berwick-on-Tweed Corp'n
Sanderson v Collins
Sandill v Franklin
Saner v Bilton
Saner v Bilton
Sansom v Metcalfe Hambleton & Co
Santley v Wilde
Santley v Wilde
Santley v Wilde
Sargeant v Macepark (Whittlebury) Ltd
Sarson v Roberts
Sarson v Roberts
Saunders v Maltby
Saunders v Soper
Savage v Dent
Savil Bros Ltd v Bethell
Savills Land & Property Ltd v Kibble
Savills Land & Property Ltd v Kibble
Sawyer v H and G Simmonds Ltd
Saxon v Blake
Say v Smith
Scales v Pickering
Scarf v Jardine
Scarfe v Adams
Scatterwood v Edge
Schiller v Peterson & Co Ltd
Schnabel v Allard
Schroeder (A) Music Co Ltd v Macaulay
Scoble v Secretary of State in Council for India
Scottish & Newcastle plc v Rogue (No 2)
Scottish CWS Ltd v Ulster Farmers' Mart Co Ltd
Scribes West Ltd v Relsa Anstalt
Sebag v Abitbol
Secretan v Hart
Secretarial & Nominees Co Ltd v Thomas
Security Trust Co v Royal Bank of Canada
Seddon Properties v Secretary of State for the Environment
Seddon v Smith
Seddon v Smith
Sedleigh-Denfield v O'Callaghan
Sedleigh-Denfield v O'Callaghan
Segal Securities Ltd v Thoseby
Selkirk v Romar Investments Ltd
Sen v Headley
Serjeant v Nash, Field & Co
Seton v Slade
Sevenoaks, Maidstone and Tunbridge Ry Co v London: Chatham and Dover Ry Co
Severn Trent Water Ltd v Barnes
Shallcross v Oldham
Shanly v Ward
Sharpe v Duke Street Securities NV
Shaw v Foster
Sheik v O'Connor
Shelfer v City of London Electric Lighting Co
Shell-Mex and BP Ltd v Manchester Garages
Shephard v Cartwright
Shepherd v Croft
Shiloh Spinners Ltd v Harding
Shiloh Spinners Ltd v Harding
Shiloh Spinners Ltd v Harding
Shiloh Spinners Ltd v Harding
Shiloh Spinners Ltd v. Harding
Shirlaw v Southern Foundries (1926)Ltd
Shirlcar Properties Ltd v Heinitz
Shirley v Newman
Shrewsbury's (Countess of) Case
Siddiqui v Rashid
Sidebotham v Holland
Sidebotham v Holland
Silven Properties Ltd v Royal Bank of Scotland
Silven Properties v Royal Bank of Scotland plc
Simmonds v Cockell
Simmons v Dobson
Simmons v Dobson
Simon v Anglo American Telegraph Co.
Simpson v Connolly
Sims v Landray
Sinclair Group Investments (Kensington) Ltd v Walsh
Sinclair-Lockhart's Trustees v Central Land Board
Singer and Friedlander Ltd v John D. Wood and Co
Sitwell v Earl of Londesborough
Six Carpenters' Case
Skaife v Jackson
Skerrits of Nottingham Ltd v Secretary of State for the Environment
Skips A/S Nordheim v Petrofina SA (The Varenna)
Slater v Clay Cross
Sleafer v Lambeth Borough Council
Sloan Stanley Estate Trustees v Barribal
Smalley v Quarrier
Smith and Snipes Hall Farm Ltd v River Douglas Catchment Board
Smith and Snipes Hall Farm Ltd v River Douglas Catchment Board
Smith v Anderson
Smith v Austin Lifts Ltd
Smith v Baker and Sons
Smith v Bradford Metropolitan Council
Smith v Bradford Metropolitan Council
Smith v Brown
Smith v City Petroleum Co Ltd
Smith v Clay
Smith v Eric S Bush a firm
Smith v Giddy
Smith v Giuliani
Smith v Lambeth Assessment Committee
Smith v Land and House Property Corp'n
Smith v Land and House Property Corp'n
Smith v Marrable
Smith v Marrable
Smith v Oliver
Smith v Peat
Smith v Scott
Smith v Scott
Smith v Smith
Smith v Smith
Smith v Spaul
Smith v The Mayor, etc. of Harwich
Smith v Titanate Ltd
Smith v Titanate Ltd
Somerville v Somerville
Sorrell v Fitch
South Lakeland DC v Secretary of State for the Environment and Carlisle Diocesan Parsonages Board
South Staffordshire Water Co v Sharman
Southby v Hutt
Southern Center of Theosophy Inc. v State of South Australia
Southern Center of Theosophy Inc. v State of South Australia
Southwark LBC v Mills
Southwark LBC v Mills
Southwark LBC v Mills
Southwark LBC v Mills
Sovmots Investments Ltd v Secretary of State for the Environment
Sovmots Investments Ltd v Secretary of State for the Environment
Sovmots Investments Ltd v Secretary of State for the Environment
Spackman v Secretary of State for the Environment
Sparks v Leeds City Council
Spath Holme Ltd v Greater Manchester and Lancashire RAC
Speedwell Estates Ltd v Dalziel
Spencer v Harding
Spencer v Registrar of Titles
Spencer's Case
Spencer's Case
Spencer's Case
Spiro v Glencrown Properties Ltd
Spitzel v Chinese Corporation Limited
Spyer v Phillipson
SS Global Ltd v Sava
SS Global Ltd v Sava
St Aubyn v St Aubyn
Stack v Dowden
Stack v Dowden
Standard Chartered Bank v Walker
Starmark Enterprises v CPL Distributution Ltd
Startup v Macdonald
State Bank of India v Sood
State Trust Corp'n of Victoria v Taylor
Staves & Staves v Leeds City Council
Steadman v Steadman
Steadman v Steadman
Steadman v Steadman
Stearn v Twitchell
Steinberg and Sykes v Secretary of State
Stephens v Cuckfield Rural District Council
Stevens v Bromley London Borough Council
Stevens v Bromley London Borough Council
Stevens v Gourley
Stevens v London Borough of Bromley
Stevens v Willing & Co Ltd
Steyning & Littlehampton Building Society v Wilson
Stickney v Keeble
Stockdale v Ascherberg
Stockport Corp'n v Rollinson
Stokes v Cambridge
Stokes v Salomons
Stormdale & Ball Ltd v Burden
Strand Securities Ltd v Caswell
Straudley Investments Ltd v Mount Eden Land Ltd
Street v Essex County Council
Street v Mountford
Street v Mountford
Street v Mountford
Street v Mountford
Strode v Parker
Stuart v Joy
Sudbrook Trading Estate Ltd v Eggleton
Sudbrook Trading Estate Ltd v Eggleton
Suffolk County Council v Mason
Suffolk County Council v Mason
Suffolk County Council v Mason
Suffolk County Council v Mason
Suisse Atlantique Société d'Armement Maritime SA v NV Rotterdamsche Kolen Centrale
Sumeghovo v Mahon
Summers v Salford Corp'n
Sutcliffe v Lloyd
Sutcliffe v Thackrah
Sutton v Norwich Corporation
Swift (P & A) Investments v Combined English Stores Group plc
Swindon Waterworks Co Ltd v Wilts and Berks Canal Navigation Co
Swiss Bank Corpn v Lloyds Bank Ltd
Sydall v Castings Ltd
Sykes v Harry
Sykes v Taylor-Rose


Tailors of Aberdeen v Coutts
Take Harvest Ltd v Liu
Tamares (Vincent Square) Ltd v Fairpoint Properties (Vincent Square) Ltd
Tameres (Vincent Square) Ltd v Fairpoint Properties (Vincent Square) Ltd
Tan v Sitkowski
Tandon v Trustees of Spurgeons Homes
Target Homes Ltd v Clothier
Tate v Latham and Son
Tatem (W.J.) Ltd v Gamboa
Taylor v Beal
Taylor v Caldwell
Taylor v Caldwell
Taylor v Corporation of St Helens
Taylor v Corporation St Helens
Taylor v Hall
Taylor v Taylor
Taylors Fashions Ltd v Liverpool Victoria Trustees Co Ltd
Tecbild Ltd v Chamberlain
Tecbild Ltd v Chamberlain
Tehidy Minerals Ltd v Norman
Tehidy Minerals Ltd v Norman
Tenant v Adamczyk
Tenant v Trenchard
Tendier v Sproule
Tennant v Smith
Terrapin International Ltd v IRC
Terrell v Murray
Tesco Stores Ltd v Secretary of State for the Environment
Texaco Antilles Ltd v Kernochan
Thames and Mersey Marine Insurance Co v Hamilton, Fraser and Co
Thames Guaranty Ltd v Campbell
Thames Guaranty Ltd v Campbell
The Carlgarth; The Otarania
The Commonwealth v Arklay
The Five Steel Barges
The Kanchenjunga
The Merak
The Moorcock
The Prior's Case
The Prior's Case
The Scaptrade (Scandinavian Trading Tanker Co AB v Flota Petrolera Ecuatoriana
The Trustees of the St Clement Danes Holborn Estate Charity v The Greater London Council
Theed v Debenham
Thomas v Cook
Thomas v Hayward
Thomas v Sorrell
Thomas v Sorrell
Thomas v Sorrell
Thomas v Thomas
Thomas v Thomas
Thompson v Clive Alexander & Partners
Thompson v Lacy
Thompson v McCullough
Thompson v Ward
Thornborough v Baker
Thorner v Major and Others
Throckmerton v Tracy
Tickle v Brown
Tickle v Brown
Tidswell v Whitworth
Tiffany Investments Ltd v Bircham & Co Nominees (No 2) Ltd
Tilley v Thomas
Times Fire Assurance Co v Hawke
Timmins v Rowlinson
Tito v Waddell (No. 2)
Tiverton Estates Ltd v Wearwell Ltd
Toff v McDowell
Toller v Law Accident Insurance Society Ltd
Tomlin v Standard Telephone and Cables Ltd
Tomlinson v Congleton
Toms v Wilson
Topfell Ltd v Galley Properties Ltd
Tophams Ltd v Earl of Sefton
Torkington v Magee
Total Clothing Ltd v Guinea Properties & Management Ltd
Tottenham UDC v Rowley
Toulmin v Millar
Toulmin v Millar
Town Centre Securities Ltd v Wm Morrison Supermarkets Ltd.
Transco plc v Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council
Trego v Hunt
Treloar v Nute
Treloar v Nute
Treseder-Griffin v Co-op Insurance Society Ltd
Trevail v C & A Modes Ltd
Trocette Property Co Ltd v Greater London Council
Trocette Property Co Ltd v Greater London Council
Trollope and Colls v North West Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board
Trollope and Colls v North West Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board
Trow v Ind Coope (West Midlands) Ltd
Trustees of the Methodist Secondary Schools Deed v O'Leary
Tse Kwong Lam v Wong Chit Sen
Tulk v Moxhay
Tulk v Moxhay
Tulk v Moxhay
Tulk v Moxhay
Tulk v Moxhay
Turner v Barlow
Turner v Jacob
Turner v Wright
Tutton v Darke, Nixon v Freeman
Tweedle v Atkinson
Tweedle v Atkinson
Tweedle v Atkinson
Tyne Boiler Works Co v Longbenton
Tyrringham's Case
Tyrringham's Case
Tyrringham's Case


Ulster Bank v Synnott
Unilever plc v The Procter and Gamble Company
Union Eagle Ltd v Golden Acheivement Ltd
Union Lighterage Co v London Graving Dock Co
Union Lighterage Cov London Graving Dock Co
United Australia Ltd v Barclays Bank Ltd
United Bank of Kuwait Plc v Sahib
United Bank of Kuwait Plc v Sahib
United Bank of Kuwait Plc v Sahib
United Dominions Trust (Commercial) Ltd v. Eagle Aircraft Services Ltd
United Scientific Holdings Ltd v Burnley Borough Council
United Scientific Holdings Ltd v Burnley Borough Council
United Scientific Holdings Ltd v Burnley Borough Council
United States of America v Motor Truck Ltd
Universe Tankships Inc. of Monrovia v International Transport Workers' Federation
Upton v Townsend
Upton v Townsend
Uratemp Ventures Ltd v Collins
Uttlesford DC v Secretary of State for the Environment


Vanaston v Mackarly
Vane v Barnard (Lord)
Vernon v Bethell
Vernon v Bethell
Vernon v Bethell
Victoria Laundry (Windsor) Ltd v Newman Industries Ltd
Victoria University of Manchester v Hugh Wilson
Vincent v Premo Enterprises (Voucher Sales) Ltd
Vine (R.A.) (Engineering) Ltd v Havant Borough Council
Vowles v Miller
Vyner (Frank) and Sons Ltd v Secretary of State for the Environment
Vynior's Case
Vyvyan v Arthur


Waite v Jennings
Waitt v Morris
Walford v Miles
Walker v Boyle
Walker v Wilsher

This list of cases is extracted from the Encyclopedia of Real Estate Terms
which is available in hardback, as well as ONLINE

© 2000-2025 Delta Alpha Publishing


Booth v McMcManus
Banff Magistrates v Ruthin Castle Ltd
Christie Owen & Davies plc v King
Christie Owen & Davies plc v King
Dundee Harbour Trustees v Dougall
Erskine v Glendinning
Fenwick v MacDonald, Fraser & Co
Grant v Langston
Grant v Langston
House of Fraser plc v. Prudential lssurance Co. Ltd.
John Young & Co v Bankers Distillery Co
Livingstone v Rawyard Coal Company
M'Arthur v Edinburgh Magistrates
Morris v Bicket
North British Ry Co v Budhill Coal & Sandstone Co
Russell v Coutts
Stewart v Kennedy
Wilson v DM Hall & Sons
Wishart v Wyllie

This list of cases is extracted from the Encyclopedia of Real Estate Terms
which is available in hardback, as well as ONLINE

© Delta Alpha Publishing 2011–2025
abandonment |  bargain |  commission |  cost approach |  démembrements(F) |  easement |  estoppel |  fixture |  good repair |  letter of intent |  licence by estoppel |  money
mortgage-backed security (MBS) | 3 multiple listing |  noscitur a sociis(Lat) |  police power(US)
 |  possibility of reverter |  quiet enjoyment |  real covenant(US) |  rent
spot zoning |  title insurance |  Torrens title system |  multiple listing service (MLS)(US)
 |  unvalued policy |  usufruit(F) |  value |  voluntary waste
 |  wraparound mortgage(US) |  zone a urbaniser (ZUP)(F)